nebula-contrib / nebula-node

Nebula Graph Client for Node.js
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graphdatabase hacktoberfest nebula-graph nodejs

Nebula Nodejs SDK

This repository provides Nebula client API in Nodejs.



Connection Options

parameter type description
servers string[] nebula servers
userName string username for login
password string password for login
space string space name in nebula server
poolSize number Pool size for each server(Optional, default:5)
bufferSize number Command cache in offline or before established connect (Optional, defaul: 2000)
executeTimeout number Command executing timeout in ms (Optional, default:10000)
pingInterval number for keepalive, ping duration in ms, (Optional, default:60000)

How To


For compiling C++ native module, node-gyp is required, you can install node-gyp by npm install -g node-gyp

npm install @nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs --save --unsafe-perm

Simple and convenient API

// ESM
import { createClient } from '@nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs'

// CommonJS
// const { createClient } = require('@nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs')

// Connection Options
const options = {
  servers: ['ip-1:port','ip-2:port'],
  userName: 'xxx',
  password: 'xxx',
  space: 'space name',
  poolSize: 5,
  bufferSize: 2000,
  executeTimeout: 15000,
  pingInterval: 60000

// Create client
const client = createClient(options)

// Execute command
// 1. return parsed data (recommend)
const response = await client.execute('GET SUBGRAPH 3 STEPS FROM -7897618527020261406')
// 2. return nebula original data
const responseOriginal = await client.execute('GET SUBGRAPH 3 STEPS FROM -7897618527020261406', true)


parameter description
sender the individual connection in connection pool
error Nebula Error
retryInfo Retry information
retryInfo.delay delay time
retryInfo.attempt total attempts
const client = createClient(options)

// connection is ready for executing command
client.on('ready', ({sender}) => {


// error occurs
client.on('error', ({ sender, error }) => {


// connected event
client.on('connected', ({ sender }) => {


// authorized successfully
client.on('authorized', ({ sender }) => {


// reconnecting
client.on('reconnecting', ({ sender, retryInfo }) => {


// closed
client.on('close', { sender }) => {


About hash64 function

nebula-nodejs exports hash64 function for converting string to string[], it's based on MurmurHash3.

// ESM
import { hash64 } from '@nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs'

// CommonJS
// const { hash64 } = require('@nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs')

const results = hash64('f10011b64aa4e7503cd45a7fdc24387b')


// Output:
// ['2852836996923339651', '-6853534673140605817']

About Int64

nodejs cannot repreent Int64, so we convert Int64 bytes to string

// ESM
import { bytesToLongLongString } from '@nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs'

// CommonJS
// const { bytesToLongLongString } = require('@nebula-contrib/nebula-nodejs')

const s = '-7897618527020261406'

const buffer = [146, 102, 5, 203, 5, 105, 223, 226]
const result = bytesToLongLongString(buffer)

// result equals s



git clone
cd nebula-node
npm install --unsafe-perm
npm run build

Unit Test

npm run build
npm run test

Unit Test Coverage

npm run coverage


npm run build
cd dist
npm publish


Not implemented data type for auto parser

Data Type property name in nebula response
DataSet gVal
Geography ggVal
Duration duVal

Released Versions in

NodeJS Client Version Nebula Graph Version
2.6.2 2.6.x
3.0.3 3.x