nechar / Angular-Laravel

Angular and Laravel together
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Angular and Laravel Together

This project is the final outcome of my video tutorial on how to use Angular and Laravel together. So make sure you watch that video from the following link to make the most out of this package.

Key features

After you watch the video mentioned above, please the follow the following steps to setup the project on your machine.

Setup Angular Project:

Clone this project

$ git clone

Setup Angular Project:

Open a terminal or command prompt and go to angular-module

$ cd Angular-Laravel/angular-module

Install node dependencies

$ npm install

Run the angular server (Optional: required during development only)

$ ng serve

Do not close this terminal

See check to see if it works in the browser (Optional: It is required during front-end development only)


Open a new terminal and build the project into the public directory of laravel-module. (Don't miss the final slash)

$ ng build --base-href http://localhost:8000/app/

Note to remember: In case you run "ng serve" anytime later, the final build inside laravel-module/public/app/ folder will be deleted. So, make that you build the project again if that happens.

Setup Laravel Project:

Open a new Terminal and go to laravel-module

$ cd /laravel-module

Install composer dependencies

$ composer install

Create an .env file and copy the contents of .env.example into it

$ cp .env.example .env

Change the database credentials of .env files

DB_DATABASE = your_database_name
DB_USERNAME = your_database_username
DB_PASSWORD = your_database_password

Generate application keys

$ php artisan key:generate

Run the database migration

$ php artisan migrate

Run the angular server

$ php artisan serve

See check to see if it works in the browser


Create your first user from registration page


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the project setup. The following command is the most important command that you might want to use over and over again after any modification in angular. So, make sure you copy this command in a safe place. During production, you will need to change the URL to whatever your URL is with a prefix /app/

$ ng build --base-href http://localhost:8000/app/