necipbaser / DowntimeAlerterProject

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DowntimeAlerter Project

Downtime Alerter project detects whether sites are Up or Down and sends notifications. In this project used;

-Asp.Net Core MVC

-Entity Framework






For Login;

UserName: user

Password: 4*!Vf2

App screenshots;

Login Screen

alt text

Home Page - DashBoard

alt text

Sites page - Add/Delete/Edit Site and Email Address(1 site to many email address)

alt text alt text

Sended Mails

alt text

Notification Logs Screen

alt text

Error/Information Logs Screen

alt text

For Add New Site: localhost:<your_port>/Site

For Notification Log List: localhost:yourport/NotificationLog

For Error/Information Log List: localhost:yourport/Log

For Hangfire Dashboard: localhost:yourport/hangfire

For Mail Settings: DowntimeAlerter.MVC -> appsettings.json

Here are mail settings;



    "Mail": "", 

    "DisplayName": "Downtime Alerter",

    "Password": "password",

    "Host": "",

    "Port": 587


Serilog Settings: DowntimeAlerter.MVC -> appsettings.json

Here are Serilog settings;



    "MinimumLevel": "Information",

    "WriteTo": [


        "Name": "MSSqlServer",

        "Args": {

          "connectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=DowntimeAlerter;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true",

          "tableName": "Logs",

          "autoCreateSqlTable": true





Necip Başer