needabetterusername / svnconnector

Simple SVN connector addon for Blender
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SVNConnector Addon for Blender


This is a simple addon to add more backup to your blend files.


Operating Environment Support Status

OS Support
MacOS Yes
Linux Maybe
Windows Not yet

What does all this mean?

Yer, yer, I know VCS better than I know Kung Fu

Cool, then this just automates the SVN executables on the local system via python to ptovide basic commit and revert functionality. To try to be beginner friendly, it currently focusses more on single-file operations rather than change sets. Change sets will be added in future.

Installation Instructions

Useage Instructions

After installing the prerequisites and the add-on, use the sub-menu in the file menu to perform the below actions on your file.

SVNConnector Menu

  1. First, you need to create a "repository" to hold all your backup information. Use the "Commit to new repo" option. The first time you do that, the add-on will add your current file for you.

  2. If you want to add more files later, open that file and select the "Include this file" option.

  3. After you made some progress, 'commit' your changes to the backup with the "Commit your changes" option.

  4. Actually, the previous version was better? Ok! Use the "Revert to previous Commit" option and your last saved version will be restored. Warning: this will overwrite any changes that haven't been 'committed' to the backup.

Viewport Menu

  1. To check the status of your file, use the viewport menu.
    • SVN Info
      • Just system information for troubleshooting. You don't normally need this.
    • SVN Status
      • The "status" of your file is it's status relative to the underlying SVN tool. The common statuses are:
      • ? - This file has not been added to the repository
      • A - Thile file will be newly added to the repository at the next commit.
      • M - There are changes to your file which can be committed.
      • err - A repository has not yet been created.