neha07kumari / Thief_Detection

This project helps to detect whether a person coming to your house is a thief or not , while you are away from your house enjoying your holiday or a trip.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
6 stars 14 forks source link
machinelearning machinelearningprojects python

Welcome to Thief Detection 👋


This project is a Thief Detection WebApp which ensures the safety of your home while you're away or in danger when residing in the premises. It would be a complete stop solution that makes it more feasible especially in dire circumstances.

Join us in our cause to support a crime free country for the wellbeing of the society!!.. 🚀

✔How To Proceed further

Glad to see your interest in adding your value to this social app. Warm welcome to all and this project accomodates everyone according to the tech stack one belongs to

Express your interest over issues with approach --> Get an issue assigned --> Work on the issue --> Create a PR with issue number --> If changes addressed, resolve it --> Wait for PR to get merged (Kindly be patient as it's a 2 step approval)

You can find the overall project idea and description here


🔑Tech Stacks

Programming Languages : Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Domain Knowledge : Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, DJango, IoT

Python software installed --> You can install it from here if not installed previously -

Any python supporting IDE --> Jupyter Notebook/Google Colab (Only in .ipynb format)

If you would like to raise an issue you can utilize the form provided, do make sure to mention the kind of feature, feature title, short description of the feature and how would you expect it to work. As a good practice, always link the issue number with pull request. (#issue number : Give this details when you raise a PR).

If you want to work on this unique project and share it with the world, you can do that here. To get more familiar with the workflow, go through the contributing guidelines here.

Subsequently, also go through the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.

⌛Link To The Website


🛠Template to Follow

Note : One should follow this template while creating a pull request.

⚙️ Things to Note

👨‍💻 Workflow:

print("Start contributing for Thief_Detection")

👍OpenSource Program

This project was a part of these open source programs.

🙌Levels & Points (SWOC)

Level of Issues Points Allocated
Beginner 10 Points 🔰
Easy 20 Points 🌱
Medium 30 Points 🌕
Hard 40 Points 🔥

You can check out the project leaderboard here : SWOC Leaderboard

✨Hall Of Fame

Thanks goes to these Wonderful People. Contributions of any kind are welcome!🚀

✔SWOC Project Mentors

Prathima Kadari

📜 Code Of Conduct

You can find our Code of Conduct here.

📝 License

This project follows the Mozilla Public License.

🙂 Project Admin

Neha Kumari

If you liked working on this project, do ⭐ and share this repository.

🎉 🎊 😃 Happy Contributing 😃 🎊 🎉

📬 Contact

If you want to contact me, you can reach me out through Discord or Socials

© 2021 Neha Kumari

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