nehalbhanushali / Stream-Analytics-on-Vehicular-Traffic-Big-Data

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  1. sudo chmod 755 to all 3 files (.sh, .py) (sudo chmod 755 *.sh)
  2. install opnalpr and ffmpeg libraries i. openalpr: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y openalpr openalpr-daemon openalpr-utils libopenalpr-dev
  3. ffmpeg: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg)


  1. Phase 1 needs to be executed in linux. The shell script runs phase 1. Inorder to run the shell script, run the following command in the terminal :
~/path-to-shell/ ~/path-to-video-folder/input_videos

NOTE : Please be careful about the path

  1. Phase 2 can be executed in linux using mono and windows using visual studio. Update the /input-file-path/ in the event listener EntryStream/Program.cs code to point at Phase1 output files ../java_MR_output/*.

NOTE : The event listeners must be started before completion of Phase1 as it watches the files being dumped in ../java_MR_output/*.

The Event-hub-listener parses input json and sends it to the Stream Analytics Job (NOTE : This is also already running on the cloud)

  1. The final output can be seen as storage tables using Azure storage explorer and visualised in PowerBI dashboards.