Document Authors: Kenny Ward, Danny Smith.
To set up VVV, follow the prerequisites here, including the Vagrant Hosts Updater plugin. (Note: it works with VirtualBox 6.x). Then follow the installation instructions using the Git method.
Add the following to your vvv-custom.yml file, located in your VVV root (~/vagrant-local) ensuring you follow the same syntax as the example sites in the file. Whitespace matters!
description: 'A custom WordPress theme for Tatteo'
- tatteo.test
Save the file, run the following from your VVV root (~/vagrant-local)
vagrant provision
When complete check http://tatteo.test in a browser. If you have any errors check and fix your syntax in ~/vagrant-local/vvv-custom.yml
and try running the above command again
# first, navigate to your VVV root
cd ~/vagrant-local
# connect to the Vagrant VM via SSH
vagrant ssh
# Inside the virtual box, navigate to your WordPress site root
cd /srv/www/tatteo
# install and activate Regenerate Thumbnails
wp plugin install regenerate-thumbnails --activate
# install and activate Yoast SEO
wp plugin install wordpress-seo --activate
Now OUTSIDE THE VIRTUAL MACHINE (in a new tab), run these commands:
cd ~/vagrant-local/www/tatteo/public_html/wp-content/themes
git clone tatteo
cd tatteo
git log # Check you can see previous commits from Danny and Kenny.
Now, back INSIDE THE VIRTUAL MACHINE run this command:
wp theme activate tatteo
Refresh your browser, you should now have the Tatteo theme installed and activated. Well done 🎉 Have a celebratory coffee.
This installs some sample data into the wordpress database.
# first, navigate to your VVV root
cd ~/vagrant-local
# connect to the Vagrant VM via SSH
vagrant ssh
# once connected, navigate to the WP site where you want to import the data e.g:
cd ~/srv/www/tatteo/public_html
# download the official WP theme test-data. NOTE: Ideally we'd create our own XML document with test data specific to the client project, sometimes this isn't possible so we use the WP data
curl -O
# install the offical WP importer plugin and activate with flag
wp plugin install wordpress-importer --activate
# import the data that you downloaded and create authors with flag
wp import ./theme-unit-test-data.xml --authors=create
# clean up - remove test data file. NOTE: Doesn't remove the actual test data from the database
rm theme-unit-test-data.xml
# clean up - remove importer plugin as it's not needed now
wp plugin delete wordpress-importer
Any custom functionality that should be separate from the theme will be created in a plugin, these are listed below. All issues related to these plugins will be handled here in the theme's repository.