neilenns / vatsim-plan-verifier

Verifies flight plans for vatsim flights
MIT License
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VATSIM plan verifier

This app verifies flight plans for VATSIM controllers. It is designed to report common errors in flight plans filed by VATSIM pilots.

Importing flight plans from VATSIM

The app supports listening for new flight plans at an airport to simplify the process of entering flight plan data for verification. To start watching for flight plans enter a comma separated list of airports to watch in the text box then click the connect icon:

Configuring VATSIM flight plan import

As flight plans are filed they will appear in the list. To import a flight plan for verification click the import icon to the right of the entry.

Flight plan information after verifying

After a flight plan is verified the plan will update to show helpful information underneath each of the flight plan parts.

Part Information
Callsign The telephony for the airline. Hover over the callsign to see the number of hours the pilot has as a pilot and VATSIM controller. Click the callsign to open an external site with the pilot's detailed online hours breakdown.
Aircraft type The aircraft manufacturer and name. Hover over the aircraft name to see the engines, wake turbulence class, SRS class, and max cruise speed (if known).
Departure The departure airport name, hyperlinked to the Chartfox page for the airport's charts.
Arrival The arrival airport name, hyperlinked to the Chartfox page for the airport's charts.
Cruise altitude The first line shows the initial altitude to assign, if known, and how to phrase it. CVS means Climb via SID except maintain. CVD means Climb via departure except maintain. The second line shows when the pilot should expect to get their final cruise altitude, in minutes. If this information is shown in parenthesis, e.g. (5 minutes), then the time is published on the chart and does not have to be given to the pilot as part of the clearance unless the cruise altitude was amended.
Route The telephony for the route, including how to say the SID (if known) and any navaids on the route is shown on the left. Cleaned up remarks from VATSIM, if any, are shown on the right.

Flight plan after verifying

Seeing errors and warnings

Any errors and warnings for the flight plan will be shown in a list below the flight plan and the associated fields will be highlighted:

Flight plan with errors and warnings

After updating the flight plan to correct the errors hit the Re-verify button to validate the changes.

Removing completed flight plans

After clearing a pilot the flight plan verifier results can be removed from the left pane by clicking the trash can icon next to the flight. Plans are also automatically removed from the list two hours after they are verified.

List of verifications

Route verifications

Altitude verifications

Equipment suffix verifications

Other verifications
