neilhpatel / CodeATale

This is the repository for my Junior Design project. My team developed an interactive web application for children to read the story Dr. Dolittle while improving comprehension skills through quizzes and audio.
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Read Dr. Dolittle | đź”– HearATale đź“–

Designed by Junior-Design-JIC-Group1338 (CodeATale)


HearATale Banner

Read Dr. Dolittle is a web app designed to teach students in middle or high school to read using an interactive learning app that reads aloud, quizzes students on, and provides vocab definitions in the literary classic Dr. Dolittle.


Illiteracy in children is a major issue - students that cannot read early on often fail to reach their full potential in life. Oftentimes, teachers are unable to separatly tutor individual stuggling students when the parents are unable or unwilling to help. This web-based app is designed to help these struggling students become proficient readers.

Build Status

Development is finished and codebase is currently ready for handoff to client.

Installation Guide

1. Prerequisites

To clone and run this application, you will need Git installed on your computer. To run any of the python files in the backend folder, you will need Python installed on your computer (this is not required to run the actual application).

2. Installation

Open a terminal or command prompt.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

Alternatively, you can download ZIP of the repository by clicking on code, and clicking on download ZIP. If you want to simply run the application and do not wish to run any individual files or write to the database, skip to step 4 (Run the application).

# Go into the repository
$ cd CodeATale

Add ServiceAccountKey.json to the CodeATale/root/backend/src folder. This will allow developers to write words and all corresponding attributes (definition, is_sight_word, is_child_word, parent_word, derivative_words, and block_from_quiz) to the database. The files,,, and require ServiceAccountKey.json to execute.

# Install dependencies
python -V #Check python version
pip install -r requirements.txt  #if you have Python 2.x.x
pip3 install -r requirements.txt #if you have Python 3.x.x

3. Build

No build is necessary for this application.

4. Run the application

Option 1 (recommended): Run index.html using an integrated development environment (IDE). IntelliJ, PyCharm, and VSCode can be used.

Option 2: Run index.html using a Google Chrome extension.

5. Troubleshooting

  1. I am getting a No module named docx2txt, No module named pydub, or No module named firebase_admin error when running a python file.
    • Install the necessary dependencies using the pip install command listed above.
  2. I am trying to run,,, or but am getting the error No such file or directory …/ServiceAccountKey.json.
    • You need to place the file ServiceAccountKey.json inside the CodeATale/root/backend/src folder.
  3. I am on the reading screen but none of the words are being highlighted.
    • This likely means the daily limit of reads/writes for Firebase has been exceeded. You need to either wait until the limit is reset around midnight Pacific time or upgrade your plan to allow more reads/writes to the database.
  4. I am trying to use option 2 to run the application, but the reading screen is blank.
    • You likely selected the incorrect folder instead of the folder titled frontend.
  5. I am opening index.html directly from my file directory but the application is blank except for the text "Choose a Chapter and Start Reading"
    • Unfortunately, this application does not support direct opening of index.html and requires an equivalent of a live server as mentioned in step 4 of the Installation Guide.

6. Database Information

Project Name: Junior Design

Project ID: junior-design-178a

Plan: Spark Plan - This plan requires $0 a month. It has usage quotas for Database, Firestore, Storage, Functions, Phone Auth, Hosting, & Test Lab. We recommend upgrading to the Blaze plan for optimal use to eliminate any bugs caused from reaching such quotas; however the Blaze plan will have a pay as you go pricing model. For more information, check out the Firebase pricing plans.

Resources Used:

1) Firestore Database:
This database largely contains information pertaining to users and individual words from the story. The database organizes information by collections, which contain documents, which store specific information.

*Structure of Data:*
One collection is called `Users`. All of the documents within this collection are distinct usernames (ex: “mtl10”, “neil”). Information is included as follows, on a document by document basis:
* bookMarkList - Keeps track of the chapter and page number of all bookmarks in chronological order of when they were added (The string is  parsed to find the chapter and page number. ex: chptNum-pageNum chptNum-pageNum)
* chapterProgress - An array of numbers for each chapter (index 0 is ignored) that increments until the chapter is fully read by the user. It is used to display a proper percentage bar to the user in the chapter select screen after going through some basic calculations in the code. Each cell number in the array correlates to the chapter number of the book.
* pagesViewed - Formatted mostly like the bookMarkList but in an array like the chapterProgress array (again index 0 is ignored). Keeps track of every single page and chapter viewed in this format: chptNum-pageNum chptNum-pageNum. Each cell number in the array correlates to the chapter number of the book.
* queue - An array of words in the order that the user added words to the queue. However, the user has the option to quiz the word immediately in which case the queue array is modified locally in the code first before the modified queue array is updated to the database (basically the queue gets updated first in the code and then the updated queue is sent to the database. The code doesn’t directly modify the queue in the database until it modifies the queue in the code first.)

There are 26 other collections, each labeled with one lowercase letter in the alphabet (“a”, “b”, “c”, …. “z”). Each of these collections includes numerous documents labeled with distinct words that begin with the collection letter. For example, “aback” and “abandon” are documents within the “a” collection. Information is included as follows, on a document by document basis:
* block_from_quiz (str) - contains all the words that should be excluded as quiz answer options for the quiz of the word (see document label)
* definition (str) - definition of the word (see document label)
* derivative_words (list) - list of derivative words (str) of the word (see document label)
* is_child_word (bool) - describes if the word (see document label)
* is_sight_word (bool) - describes if the word (see document label) is a sight word
* parent_word (bool) - describes if the word (see document label) is a parent word

Note that all information across these collections, documents, and specific information is lower-case. Child words refer to words that are derivatives of another word. Parent words refer to words that have derivative words. Sight words refer to words that are simple enough such that the user requires no highlight/quiz feature in the application.

Consult [the Firestore documentation]( for instructions on how to properly read and write from this database.

2) Storage:
This database stores audio files on a page by page basis, organized by chapter.

*Structure of Data:*
* Folders listed in “Chapter {Number}/” format where {Number} gets replaced by the target chapter number
* Within the folder, audio files are listed in “Chapter{Number}_Page{Number}.mp3” format where the first {Number} is the target chapter number and the second {Number} is the target page number

*Note that all pages do not have audio yet.*

Consult [the Cloud Storage documentation]( for instructions on how to properly read and write from this database.

Release Notes

Software features (version 1.0):

  1. Chapter selection page

    • Select which chapter to read
    • Access the bookmark widget
    • Select which chapter’s image gallery to view
    • Check on chapter progress
  2. Bookmark widget - all bookmarks are stored in a database and saved between sessions

    • Create a bookmark for current page
    • Delete a bookmark
    • Go to a bookmark’s page
  3. Gallery Screen

    • View the images for a particular chapter
    • Read the captions for the chapter's images
  4. Reading page

    • Access the bookmark widget
    • Read the story (all of the book’s text will be on the reading page)
    • Play audio narration of the story text on the current page
    • Click on highlightable words and listen to them being spoken by a real person
    • Double click on highlightable words to view their definition and listen to the definition being read aloud
      • Can add the word to the quiz queue or go to a quiz directly when viewing the definition
  5. Quiz page

    • Select the word that matches the given definition out of 4 options
    • Keeps track of the number of consecutive correct answers for a specific word (represented by gold stars)
    • Navigate between quizzes for different words if multiple words have been added to the quiz queue
    • Help button
      • Provides brief explanation for how the quiz works
  6. Review page

    • View information for each highlightable word that has been clicked on
      • If the definition was queued
      • The highest score
      • Total number of times correct
      • Total number of times incorrect
      • Date quiz was last accessed


  1. In the review screen, a number shows the highest score rather than gold stars.
  2. In the review screen, clicking on a word does not add that word to the quiz queue.
  3. In the quiz screen, there is no queue for the user to see what words they are going to be quizzed on.
  4. Only looks correct on mobile if viewed in landscape mode.
  5. There is missing story audio at the end of Chapters 5 and 11.
  6. Usernames are currently hardcoded and should instead by replaced with the username verified from the login of the Brainy Literacy HearATale Application.



Check out what it looks like before downloading!

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