neitsa / PrepareLanding

PrepareLanding: a Rimworld Mod
MIT License
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Request: Disable UI Button on World Map for Established Colonies #46

Open Crystallyne opened 2 years ago

Crystallyne commented 2 years ago

I apologize if this has been brought up elsewhere, I skimmed through and didn't see anything mentioning this. For awhile now, the UI window for this hasn't been showing when starting a new colony, but I know we can hit P (default) to open it.

However, it IS showing when going to the World Map with already established colonies. This is mildly irritating for me, as I'd rather NOT have it showing there. If I need it (if I'm moving my colony to a new area, for example) I can just hit P again to open it.

If there's a way to edit a config file for this, I haven't found it. Is it possible to "fix" this? As I said, it's only a mild irritation, but would be nice to have fixed.

neitsa commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the issue.

I'll look into it. I think I know how to solve the problem without too much hassle. I do agree that CTRL+P is enough for this feature without having ti displayed on the World map...

I'm just leaving this comment here to remind me to look at the following code which is probably the culprit: