neitsa / PrepareLanding

PrepareLanding: a Rimworld Mod
MIT License
20 stars 9 forks source link
Type Value
Build Status Build status
RimWorld Version RimWorld Version 1.4


PrepareLanding is a mod for the RimWorld game by Ludeon studios. It allows players to carefully choose their landing site before actually starting their colony.

As of version 0.5 you can also change some of the tiles characteristics (a.k.a God Mode).

Current RimWorld version supported: RimWorld Version 1.4


Download Here on Github. Releases deemed stable are numbered and without any suffix (e.g. 0.9.2). Development releases are postfixed with develop (e.g. PrepareLanding-0.9.1-develop).


A detailed manual is available online.

Questions? Try the Ludeon forum thread.


See the guidelines for both bug reports and pull requests.