nel349 / bz-findata

Financial financial data
MIT License
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Multi-financial data websocket client on Golang



  1. Connect to the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange via WebSocket
  2. Subscribe to prices for three instruments: ETH-BTC, BTC-USD, BTC-EUR (data will come in through the WebSocket as they appear on the exchange)
  3. Create an order table in MySql
  4. Connect to MySql and write data received through WebSocket to the order table
  5. Write data from the three instruments (ETH-BTC, BTC-USD, BTC-EUR) to the database in three threads (each instrument has its own write thread)
  6. Publish the project repository on Github
  7. Use good development practices to enable further application functionality expansion

Setup for AWS

  1. Create a new IAM user with programmatic access
  2. Create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager
  3. Add the following keys to the secret:
  4. Create image to push to ECR
    • make build-app creates the coinbase-app image
    • make build-analysis creates the analysis-app image
  5. Push images to ECR
    • aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://task-definition.json creates a task definition (task-definition.json is in the root of the project)
    • aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin logs in to AWS ECR to push images
    • docker push pushes the analysis-app image to ECR
    • docker push pushes the coinbase-app image to ECR

Security Roles and Policies

  1. Add the the following roles to the IAM user:

    • ecsTaskExecutionRole
    • ecsTaskRole
  2. Add the following policies to the ecsTaskExecutionRole:

    • AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy
    • AmazonElasticFileSystemClientFullAccess
    • CloudWatchLogsFullAccess
    • ecsTaskExecutionPolicy
    • SecretsManagerReadWrite
  3. Add the following policies to the ecsTaskRole:

    • ecsTaskPolicy
    • SecretsManagerReadWrite

How to use

Project based on Clean architecture principles.


