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The Official Swift Style Guide.

This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is centered on readability for print and the web. We created this style guide to keep the code in our books, tutorials, and starter kits nice and consistent — even though we have many different authors working on the books.

Our overarching goals are conciseness, readability, and simplicity.

Writing Objective-C? Check out our Objective-C Style Guide too.

Table of Contents


Use descriptive names with camel case for classes, methods, variables, etc. Class names should be capitalized, while method names and variables should start with a lower case letter.


private let maximumWidgetCount = 100

class WidgetContainer {
  var widgetButton: UIButton
  let widgetHeightPercentage = 0.85

Not Preferred:


class app_widgetContainer {
  var wBut: UIButton
  let wHeightPct = 0.85

For functions and init methods, prefer named parameters for all arguments unless the context is very clear. Include external parameter names if it makes function calls more readable.

func dateFromString(dateString: String) -> NSDate
func convertPointAt(column column: Int, row: Int) -> CGPoint
func timedAction(afterDelay delay: NSTimeInterval, perform action: SKAction) -> SKAction!

// would be called like this:
convertPointAt(column: 42, row: 13)
timedAction(afterDelay: 1.0, perform: someOtherAction)

For methods, follow the standard Apple convention of referring to the first parameter in the method name:

class Counter {
  func combineWith(otherCounter: Counter, options: Dictionary?) { ... }
  func incrementBy(amount: Int) { ... }


Use UpperCamelCase for enumeration values:

enum Shape {
  case Rectangle
  case Square
  case Triangle
  case Circle


When referring to functions in prose (tutorials, books, comments) include the required parameter names from the caller's perspective or _ for unnamed parameters.

Call convertPointAt(column:row:) from your own init implementation.

If you call dateFromString(_:) make sure that you provide a string with the format "yyyy-MM-dd".

If you call timedAction(afterDelay:perform:) from viewDidLoad() remember to provide an adjusted delay value and an action to perform.

You shouldn't call the data source method tableView(_:cellForRowAtIndexPath:) directly.

When in doubt, look at how Xcode lists the method in the jump bar – our style here matches that.

Class Prefixes

Swift types are automatically namespaced by the module that contains them and you should not add a class prefix. If two names from different modules collide you can disambiguate by prefixing the type name with the module name.

import SomeModule

let myClass = MyModule.UsefulClass()



if user.isHappy {
  // Do something
} else {
  // Do something else

Not Preferred:

if user.isHappy
    // Do something
else {
    // Do something else


When they are needed, use comments to explain why a particular piece of code does something. Comments must be kept up-to-date or deleted.

Avoid block comments inline with code, as the code should be as self-documenting as possible. Exception: This does not apply to those comments used to generate documentation.

Classes and Structures

Which one to use?

Remember, structs have value semantics. Use structs for things that do not have an identity. An array that contains [a, b, c] is really the same as another array that contains [a, b, c] and they are completely interchangeable. It doesn't matter whether you use the first array or the second, because they represent the exact same thing. That's why arrays are structs.

Classes have reference semantics. Use classes for things that do have an identity or a specific life cycle. You would model a person as a class because two person objects are two different things. Just because two people have the same name and birthdate, doesn't mean they are the same person. But the person's birthdate would be a struct because a date of 3 March 1950 is the same as any other date object for 3 March 1950. The date itself doesn't have an identity.

Sometimes, things should be structs but need to conform to AnyObject or are historically modeled as classes already (NSDate, NSSet). Try to follow these guidelines as closely as possible.

Example definition

Here's an example of a well-styled class definition:

class Circle: Shape {
  var x: Int, y: Int
  var radius: Double
  var diameter: Double {
    get {
      return radius * 2
    set {
      radius = newValue / 2

  init(x: Int, y: Int, radius: Double) {
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.radius = radius

  convenience init(x: Int, y: Int, diameter: Double) {
    self.init(x: x, y: y, radius: diameter / 2)

  func describe() -> String {
    return "I am a circle at \(centerString()) with an area of \(computeArea())"

  override func computeArea() -> Double {
    return M_PI * radius * radius

  private func centerString() -> String {
    return "(\(x),\(y))"

The example above demonstrates the following style guidelines:

Use of Self (Don't follow this for now, always use self.)

For conciseness, avoid using self since Swift does not require it to access an object's properties or invoke its methods.

Use self when required to differentiate between property names and arguments in initializers, and when referencing properties in closure expressions (as required by the compiler):

class BoardLocation {
  let row: Int, column: Int

  init(row: Int, column: Int) {
    self.row = row
    self.column = column

    let closure = {

Protocol Conformance

When adding protocol conformance to a class, prefer adding a separate class extension for the protocol methods. This keeps the related methods grouped together with the protocol and can simplify instructions to add a protocol to a class with its associated methods.

Also, don't forget the // MARK: - comment to keep things well-organized!


class MyViewcontroller: UIViewController {
  // class stuff here

// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
extension MyViewcontroller: UITableViewDataSource {
  // table view data source methods

// MARK: - UIScrollViewDelegate
extension MyViewcontroller: UIScrollViewDelegate {
  // scroll view delegate methods

Not Preferred:

class MyViewcontroller: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UIScrollViewDelegate {
  // all methods

Computed Properties

For conciseness, if a computed property is read-only, omit the get clause. The get clause is required only when a set clause is provided.


var diameter: Double {
  return radius * 2

Not Preferred:

var diameter: Double {
  get {
    return radius * 2

Function Declarations

Keep short function declarations on one line including the opening brace:

func reticulateSplines(spline: [Double]) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

For functions with long signatures, add line breaks at appropriate points and add an extra indent on subsequent lines:

func reticulateSplines(spline: [Double], adjustmentFactor: Double,
    translateConstant: Int, comment: String) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

Closure Expressions

Use trailing closure syntax only if there's a single closure expression parameter at the end of the argument list. Give the closure parameters descriptive names.


UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0) {
  self.myView.alpha = 0

  animations: {
    self.myView.alpha = 0
  completion: { finished in

Not Preferred:

UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0, animations: {
  self.myView.alpha = 0

  animations: {
    self.myView.alpha = 0
  }) { f in

For single-expression closures where the context is clear, use implicit returns:

attendeeList.sort { a, b in
  a > b


Always use Swift's native types when available. Swift offers bridging to Objective-C so you can still use the full set of methods as needed.


let width = 120.0                                    // Double
let widthString = (width as NSNumber).stringValue    // String

Not Preferred:

let width: NSNumber = 120.0                          // NSNumber
let widthString: NSString = width.stringValue        // NSString

In Sprite Kit code, use CGFloat if it makes the code more succinct by avoiding too many conversions.


Constants are defined using the let keyword, and variables with the var keyword. Always use let instead of var if the value of the variable will not change.

Tip: A good technique is to define everything using let and only change it to var if the compiler complains!


Declare variables and function return types as optional with ? where a nil value is acceptable.

Use implicitly unwrapped types declared with ! only for instance variables that you know will be initialized later before use, such as subviews that will be set up in viewDidLoad.

When accessing an optional value, use optional chaining if the value is only accessed once or if there are many optionals in the chain:


Use optional binding when it's more convenient to unwrap once and perform multiple operations:

if let textContainer = self.textContainer {
  // do many things with textContainer

When naming optional variables and properties, avoid naming them like optionalString or maybeView since their optional-ness is already in the type declaration.

For optional binding, shadow the original name when appropriate rather than using names like unwrappedView or actualLabel.


var subview: UIView?
var volume: Double?

// later on...
if let subview = subview, volume = volume {
  // do something with unwrapped subview and volume

Not Preferred:

var optionalSubview: UIView?
var volume: Double?

if let unwrappedSubview = optionalSubview {
  if let realVolume = volume {
    // do something with unwrappedSubview and realVolume

Struct Initializers

Use the native Swift struct initializers rather than the legacy CGGeometry constructors.


let bounds = CGRect(x: 40, y: 20, width: 120, height: 80)
let centerPoint = CGPoint(x: 96, y: 42)

Not Preferred:

let bounds = CGRectMake(40, 20, 120, 80)
let centerPoint = CGPointMake(96, 42)

Prefer the struct-scope constants CGRect.infinite, CGRect.null, etc. over global constants CGRectInfinite, CGRectNull, etc. For existing variables, you can use the shorter .zero.

Type Inference

Prefer compact code and let the compiler infer the type for a constant or variable, unless you need a specific type other than the default such as CGFloat or Int16.


let message = "Click the button"
let currentBounds = computeViewBounds()
var names = [String]()
let maximumWidth: CGFloat = 106.5

Not Preferred:

let message: String = "Click the button"
let currentBounds: CGRect = computeViewBounds()
var names: [String] = []

NOTE: Following this guideline means picking descriptive names is even more important than before.

Syntactic Sugar

Prefer the shortcut versions of type declarations over the full generics syntax.


var deviceModels: [String]
var employees: [Int: String]
var faxNumber: Int?

Not Preferred:

var deviceModels: Array<String>
var employees: Dictionary<Int, String>
var faxNumber: Optional<Int>

Control Flow

Prefer the for-in style of for loop over the for-condition-increment style.


for _ in 0..<3 {
  println("Hello three times")

for (index, person) in attendeeList.enumerate() {
  println("\(person) is at position #\(index)")

Not Preferred:

for var i = 0; i < 3; i++ {
  println("Hello three times")

for var i = 0; i < attendeeList.count; i++ {
  let person = attendeeList[i]
  println("\(person) is at position #\(i)")


Swift does not require a semicolon after each statement in your code. They are only required if you wish to combine multiple statements on a single line.

Do not write multiple statements on a single line separated with semicolons.

The only exception to this rule is the for-conditional-increment construct, which requires semicolons. However, alternative for-in constructs should be used where possible.


let swift = "not a scripting language"

Not Preferred:

let swift = "not a scripting language";

NOTE: Swift is very different to JavaScript, where omitting semicolons is generally considered unsafe


Use US English spelling to match Apple's API.


let color = "red"

Not Preferred:

let colour = "red"

Copyright Statement

The following copyright statement should be included at the top of every source file:

 * Copyright (c) 2015 Razeware LLC
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Smiley Face

Smiley faces are a very prominent style feature of the site! It is very important to have the correct smile signifying the immense amount of happiness and excitement for the coding topic. The closing square bracket ] is used because it represents the largest smile able to be captured using ASCII art. A closing parenthesis ) creates a half-hearted smile, and thus is not preferred.



Not Preferred:



This style guide is a collaborative effort from the most stylish team members:

Hat tip to Nicholas Waynik and the Objective-C Style Guide team!

We also drew inspiration from Apple’s reference material on Swift:

# Git Basics  
## Table of Contents
[1. Branches](#branches)  
[1.1. Master Branch](#master-branch)  
[1.2. Development Branch](#development-branch)  
[1.3. Feature Branch](#feature-branch)  
[2. Pull Requests](#pull-requests)  
[3. Merging](#merging)  
[4. Code Review](#code-review)  
[5. Tags and Versioning](#tags-and-versioning)  
[6. Issues](#issues)

## 1. Branches

### 1.1. Master Branch   
This is also called the deployment or production branch. Branching out from this branch, except the development branch, is prohibited.

### 1.2. Development Branch
This is the parent branch for all the feature branches and the one and only child branch of the master branch. Do not make any changes on this branch.

$ git pull origin development
# Do a pull command to get the latest updates from the remote copy.

1.3. Feature Branch

Developer works on this branch for the implementation of a certain feature. Naming should be descriptive as much as possible.

How to create a feature branch:

$ git pull origin development
# Gets the latest updates from the remote copy of the development branch. 

$ git checkout -b feature-branch-name development
# Creates locally a new child branch with a name 'feature-branch-name' 
# from the development branch.

$ git branch
* feature-branch-name
# Shows the current checkout branch indicated by the asterisk.

$ git push -u origin feature-branch-name
# Pushes your newly created local branch to the repository.
# The -u argument is necessary for argument-less git-pull.
# For more details about -u, visit

Take note in pushing changes:

$ git checkout feature-branch-name
# Navigates to a particular branch

$ git push
# This will push changes from the current branch.
$ git push origin
# This will push changes from all local branches 
# to matching branches in the remote.
$ git branch
* feature-branch-name-2
# This will make sure that if the developer wants
# to push the changes made in 'feature-branch-name-2'.

$ git push 
$ git push origin feature-branch-name
# This is the preferred way of pushing the changes that
# is by specifying the branch.

Deleting feature branches:

$ git branch -d feature-branch-name
# Deletes a local branch

$ git push origin --delete feature-branch-name
# Deleting a remote branch

2. Pull Requests

Pull requests are used to manage changes made from contributors or developers [1]. These are living conversations that streamline the process of discussing, reviewing, and managing changes to code [2].

Once a pull request is sent, project maintainers can review the set of changes and discuss potential modification [3]. In other words, when a developer has filed a pull request it means that he/she is requesting the project maintainer to pull the changes from his/her branch to another branch (also from repo to another repo) [4].

Before filing a pull request, you must compare the source branch/repo to the destination branch/repo and if there are changes to the destination branch, merge with and test the changes from the destination branch [5]. After a successful merge, conflict resolutions, and fixes on the affected changes (this might arise because of the merge), the developer can now file a pull request.

General Process: [6]

  1. A developer creates the feature in a dedicated branch in their local repo.
  2. The developer pushes the branch to a repository.
  3. The developer files a pull request.
  4. The team reviews the code, discusses it, and alters it.
  5. The project maintainer merges the feature into the official repository and closes the pull request.

3. Merging

After a pull request from a feature branch is being code reviewed and there are no problems, the project maintainer merge the feature branch into the development branch.

$ git checkout development
# Switches to the development branch.

$ git merge --no-ff feature-branch-name
# Merges the current branch to the specified branch
# which is the 'feature-branch-name'.
# The '--no-ff' argument generates a merge commit.
# This is useful for documenting all merges done.

After a thorough testing on the development branch and there are no problems, the project maintainer can now merge the development branch into the master branch.

$ git checkout master
# Switches to master branch.

$ git merge --no-ff development
# Merges the master and development branches.

4. Code Review

Code review helps disseminate knowledge across teams, catches bugs (or more likely poor architectural decisions) before they bite you, and provide opportunities to educate junior engineers [7].

5. Tags and Versioning

Tagging in Git is a great way to denote specific release versions of your code [8]. Naming of tags should be in this format:

# Production

# Development

Creating and pushing tags:

$ git checkout master
# Switches to the master branch

$ git tag -a rel-v1.0.0 -m "Created the first version."
# Creates a tag

$ git tag
# Shows all tags

$ git push --tags
# Pushing tags to the remote repo

$ git push origin rel-v1.0.0
# Pushing a specific tag

6. Issues

Issues are a great way to keep track of tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects and they’re kind of like email—except they can be shared and discussed with the rest of your team [9].

Git Convention

1. Commits

1.1 Creating commit messages

Added | Implemented | Refactored | Optimized | Enhanced | Applied | Resolved | Removed

> Added condition for comparing nil values.
> Implemented forgot password feature.
> Refactored login view controller according to the coding convention.
> Optimized loading of images from server.
> Enhanced scrolling experience.
> Applied parallax in user profile.
> Resolved on displaying no results upon searching.
> Removed method because it is marked as deprecated.

Added condition for comparing nil values. (issue #43)

1.2. Editing commit messages

To edit the message of the last commit

$ git commit --amend -m "Applied edit in commit message."

To edit the message of a specific commit

$ git rebase -i --root

# Rebasing starting from desired commit to edit
# commit_id is the commit before the desired commit to edit
$ git rebase -i [commit_id]

# Change 'pick' to 'edit'.
# Change author of the commit
$ git commit --amend -m "Applied commit message edit."

# If you are only amending the message of a specified commit,
# just change 'pick' to 'reword'. Then, modified the commit
# message. Finally, saves it.

# Continue rebasing
$ git rebase --continue

1.3. Editing the author

To edit the author of the last commit

$ git commit --amend --author "New Author Name <>"

To edit the author of a specific commit

$ git rebase -i --root

# Rebasing starting from desired commit to edit
# commit_id is the commit before the desired commit to edit
$ git rebase -i [commit_id]

# Change 'pick' to 'edit'.

# Change author of the commit
$ git commit --amend --author "New Author Name <>"

# Continue rebasing
$ git rebase --continue

1.4. Combining commits

To combine commits

$ git rebase -i --root

pick a370067 A
pick adcc327 B
pick 88863d3 C
pick 4b8af9b D
pick 6da0935 E

# Combine D and B.
# Edit and rearrange the commits accordingly.
# Then replace 'pick' with 'squash' in 'pick 4b8af9b D'
pick a370067 A
pick adcc327 B
squash 4b8af9b D
pick 88863d3 C
pick 6da0935 E

# Save the file and quit.

# Edit the necessary commit message for the combined B and D.
# Save the file and quit.

# In case there are conflict on files, this error appears:
# "error: could not apply caed537... Added water animals.".
# Just use the part having 'Added water animals'
# Example:
# >>>>>> HEAD
# The quick brown fox
# ======
# The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
# >>>>>> Added water animals
# Ignore the HEAD, retain the 'Added water animals'.

# Then do the usual
$ git add [file]

# Then, continue rebasing again
$ git rebase --continue

1.5. Updating commit contents

To update the content of a commit

$ git rebase -i --root

# Rebasing starting from desired commit to edit
# commit_id is the commit before the desired commit to edit
$ git rebase -i [commit_id]

# Change 'pick' to 'edit'.

# Edit the necessary files that involve for that commit.

# Then, do the usual.
$ git add [file]

# Amend the commit.
$ git commit --amend

# Then, save the commit.

# Continue rebasing
$ git rebase --continue

# There is chance that this rebase causes conflict to another
# commit. You have to fix it before to continue rebasing.

# Edit and fix the conflict on the related files.

# Then, do the usual
$ git add [file]

# Then, continue rebasing again
$ git rebase --continue

1.6. Reverting HEAD from a rebase

To revert to a specific head due to a bad rebase

$ git reflog

# Suppose the old commit was HEAD@{5} in the ref log
git reset --hard HEAD@{5}

1.7. Showing commit messages

$ git log
# Prints the details of each comit.

$ git log --oneline
# Prints commit messages in one line.

$ git log --oneline development..other-branch
# Shows all the commits that are not in the
# development branch.

2. Issues

Add | Implement | Refactor | Optimize | Enhance | Apply | Resolve | Remove

> Add avatar and cover photo in user profile
> Implement response caching in friend list
> Refactor for coding convention and documentation
> Optimize parsing models
> Enhance product name labels
> Resolve regarding with the redundancy of views
> Apply push navigation instead of modal
> Remove the files of the classes that are marked as deprecated

3. Pull Requests

4. Branch Naming


add | implement | refactor | optimize | enhance | apply | resolve | remove

lowercase words separated by dashes (-)

lowercase words separated by dashes (-)

> resolve/login/display-errors-from-response
> refactor/login/coding-convention-in-login-controller
> implement/forgot-password
> enhance/home/product-table-view-cells 

5. ToDos


Monitoring Person

Workflow for Resolving Issue

Supplementary Tools


Collaborating Mantis and Bitbucket

Creating Bitbucket Issues

Resolve <Re-phrased-title-that-is-set-in-Mantis>

Mantis: should follow a priority of validation
Bitbucket: Resolve on the priority validation in registration

Mantis [<Mantis-Issue-ID>](<link-that-redirects-to-mantis>)

Should follow a priority of validation
1. username
2. password
3. confirm password
4. mobile
5. email

Mantis [3584](
Mantis [<Mantis-Issue-ID>](<link-that-redirects-to-mantis>)

Design Pattern (iOS App)


                                 |                |
                                 |     Server     |
                                 |                |
                                   @            |
                                   |            | respond 
                           request |            |
                                   |            @
                                 |                |
                                 |   APIManager   |
                                 |                |
                                   @            | 
                                   |            | hand over response
                     fire request  |            |
                                   |            |
                  notify action    |            @
        +------+    performed    +----------------+  update/create  +-------+
        |      |----------------@|                |----------------@|       |
        | View |                 | ViewController |                 | Model |
        |      |@----------------|                |@----------------|       |
        +------+     update      +----------------+   notify data   +-------+
         @    |                                     updated/created
         |    | display
interact |    |
         |    @
          /|\ user
          / \         

The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

  1. Understand and accept that you will make mistakes. The point is to find them early, before they make it into production. Fortunately, except for the few of us developing rocket guidance software at JPL, mistakes are rarely fatal in our industry. We can, and should, learn, laugh, and move on.

  2. You are not your code. Remember that the entire point of a review is to find problems, and problems will be found. Don’t take it personally when one is uncovered.

  3. No matter how much “karate” you know, someone else will always know more. Such an individual can teach you some new moves if you ask. Seek and accept input from others, especially when you think it’s not needed.

  4. Don’t rewrite code without consultation. There’s a fine line between “fixing code” and “rewriting code.” Know the difference, and pursue stylistic changes within the framework of a code review, not as a lone enforcer.

  5. Treat people who know less than you with respect, deference, and patience. Non-technical people who deal with developers on a regular basis almost universally hold the opinion that we are prima donnas at best and crybabies at worst. Don’t reinforce this stereotype with anger and impatience.

  6. The only constant in the world is change. Be open to it and accept it with a smile. Look at each change to your requirements, platform, or tool as a new challenge, rather than some serious inconvenience to be fought.

  7. The only true authority stems from knowledge, not from position. Knowledge engenders authority, and authority engenders respect – so if you want respect in an egoless environment, cultivate knowledge.

  8. Fight for what you believe, but gracefully accept defeat. Understand that sometimes your ideas will be overruled. Even if you are right, don’t take revenge or say “I told you so.” Never make your dearly departed idea a martyr or rallying cry.

  9. Don’t be “the coder in the corner.” Don’t be the person in the dark office emerging only for soda. The coder in the corner is out of sight, out of touch, and out of control. This person has no voice in an open, collaborative environment. Get involved in conversations, and be a participant in your office community.

  10. Critique code instead of people – be kind to the coder, not to the code. As much as possible, make all of your comments positive and oriented to improving the code. Relate comments to local standards, program specs, increased performance, etc. Reference

[Credits to: Mounir Ybanez] (

in progress -> In Review -> Rejected or Ready for merge.