formailsender is a simple tool for cases when you have a HTML form and needs that this form be send for a some email.
The name input tag are used as a label. See a example:
<input name="Name" value="Jhon">
You can use spaces between the words, but don't use _ in the name tags. They will be replaced by blank space.
<input name="Your company" value="My company">
And you can use Checkbox input type in your form.
<input type="ckeckbox" name="Allow cookies" value="on">
That's method will make the $_POST validation according the regex parameter passed in the instance.
Send the email with the data passed in the instance, and automatically redirect to the URL passed.
You can redirect to the URL passed with a customizated message.
The class that have to be instancied needs a 7 arguments. See:
require_once __DIR__ . '/formSenderApp/app.php';
$formSenderApp = new FormSenderApp(
'', // The target email
'', // The sender email
'Nelson Eder', // The sender name
'Your form!', // The email subject
"/^[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ0-9?!\-,.()_@ ]+$/u", // Regex validator
25 || ['name', 'email', 'message'], // Max of inputs OR allowed inputs name
'' // URL to redirect when the email be send
You need to pass a regex for the class make the validation of the $_POST inputs. That's required to prevent as much as possible SQL, XML and SCRIPT Injections.
If you need filter the inputs that will be received in the class, you can pass a number or a array.
For number, you specify a max quantity of inputs that can be received in the class.
For the array, you specify the allowed input names
When have a error or a success in the formAppSender, the class will be redirect automatically for the URL passed.
Have a two types of redirects that the class uses.
public function exitError($errorMessage);
public function exitSuccess($successMessage);
They use the URL param to redirect. The errors are storaged througth $_SESSION global var and you can catch and show they in your form like this way:
$status = $_SESSION['status'];
$message = $_SESSION['message'];
echo "<h1 class='$status'>$message</h1>";
Access /formSenderApp/config.php and change the content messages of according the keys.
public $messages = [
'POST_LENGTH' => "Erro interno ao enviar formulário (maxLengthPOST)",
'POST_CHARS' => "Caracteres não permitidos.",
'POST_UNKNOWN' => "Houve um erro ao enviar o formulário (unknownPOST)",
'POST_NULL' => "Você tentou enviar um formulário vazio. (POST_NULL)",
'FORM_ERROR' => "Erro ao enviar formulário (mailFunction)",
'FORM_SENDED' => "Formulário enviado com sucesso.",