nelsonic / hello-world-node-http-server

The most basic possible project for testing a Web Server using Node.js http-server.
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Hello World!

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The purpose of this repo is to test deployment with the simplest possible node.js app.

Run it:

git clone && cd hello-world-node-http-server
npm start

Visit: http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

You should see: hello-world-localhost

That's it!


This app was/is used to test our "ACID" deployment process. see:

Automated Continuous Integration Deployment (ACID) MVP

1. Get Branch Issue Number

See: e.g: 42

2. Create Dokku App

create the Dokku app for the issue number:

ssh root@ dokku apps:create <appname>


ssh root@ dokku apps:create $(sh ./

Or for the master:

ssh root@ dokku apps:create hello-world-node

3. Add Git Remote

git remote add dokku dokku@$(sh ./


Delete the remote

git remote rm dokku


git remote add dokku dokku@

4. Git PUSH Branch to Remote

git push dokku $(sh ./

5. Add SSL Cert to App

Add the wildcard Cert to the Newly Created App

ssh root@ "sudo dokku certs:add $(sh ./ < /etc/letsencrypt/live/"
ssh root@ "sudo dokku certs:add hello-world-node < /etc/letsencrypt/live/"

6. Reload nginx

ssh root@ "nginx -t && nginx -s reload"

Add Dokku User on Server:

If you are using Dokku to deploy your app, run the following command on your server instance:

ssh root@
cat ~/.ssh/ | sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku root

Cleanup "Stale" Docker Containers

sh .bin/
