nelsonmaligro / e-Dokyumento

Document Management System with Machine Learning and Document Workflow and Routing
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Web-based Electronic Document Management System



e-Dokyumento is a web-based Document Management System that stores, organizes, indexes, routes, and tracks electronic documents. It automates the basic office document workflow such as receiving, filing, routing, and approving of hard-printed documents through capturing (scanning), digitizing (OCR Reading), storing, tagging, and electronically routing and approving (digital signature) of documents.


1. Document routing and workflow

New Features

13. File Explorer

-  Browser-based file managing interface of the mapped drive 

14. Kanban Taskboard

-  Monitors document routing using the Kanban Taskboard and allows basic functionality of a Kanban for workflow management.


Method 1: Using the ISO

 1. Download the ISO file from
 2. Burn ISO to CD or Boot on a VM and choose "Boot System Installer" 
 3. If asked to login, username: root and password: admin@123 
 4. During installation, delete any existing partition and create 2 partitions for SWAP and root (/) mount  
 5. Login and open the terminal. type "su" hit enter and type "admin@123" (or password entered during installation). 
 6. move drive folder from /opt/drive to root :  "mv /opt/drive /"

Method 2: Install on new Ubuntu Linux; download:

Method 3: Docker Container

 1. Clone 
 2. Edit the file "controllers/dbhandle.js" and change the mongodb connection from "mongodb://localhost/docMS" to "mongodb://mongo/docMS".
 3. Build the image - "docker-compose build".
 4. Run the image - "docker-compose up" 
    note: Dont forget to shutdown the container upon exit - "docker-compose down". This is to prevent error in mongoDB. 


  Default Accounts:
  Username                        Password            Privilege           Department/Branch
   1. staff-marketing             staff@123           STAFF               MARKETING
   2. manager-finance             manager@123         MANAGER             FINANCE
   3. staff-secretary             staff@123           SECRETARY           SECRETARY-RECEIVING
   4. boss                        boss@123            EXECUTIVE           GM
   5. boss.wannabe                boss@123            EXECUTIVE           EAGM
   6. administrator               admin@123           SysAdmin

Docker Hub:

Pull e-Dokyumento from Docker hub : "docker pull nelsonmaligro/edokyumento"

Run the image: docker run -p 443:443 -it nelsonmaligro/edokyumento


  1. Android and IOS Versions
  2. Automate re-training of Machine Learning for improved document classification
  3. Online or web-based editing
  4. Integration with MS Active Directory for improved file server security
  5. Customizable Workflow


  1. node-pdfsign
  2. @ninja-labs/verify-pdf
  3. Tensor Flow and Keras for the Machine Learning
  4. Hopding/pdf-lib
  5. nisaacson/pdf-extract
  6. nextapps-de/flexsearch
  7. paulmillr/chokidar
  8. schmich/instascan
  9. riktar/jkanban
  10. callmenick/Custom-Context-Menu
