nemethomas / Wanderwege

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WanderWetter: What is the weather like on my hiking route?


This repository contains the scripts used to create a data engineering pipeline to visualize weather for selected hiking routes in Switzerland, created as part of the group project of the CAS Data Engineering HS 2024 at ZHAW.

There are different scripts that handle the generation (via API calls to external providers), ingestion (feed to own database) and transformation (data wrangling and further processing) of data used for this project. Furthermore, the data is then leveraged to build a dynamic user interface for the visualization (Power BI) of the weather forecast data on hiking routes.

Main folders and files

Configuration and preparation


We use Conda to cleanly manage the installation, updating, and handling of software packages and dependencies.

A new environment can be created with all the necessary libraries by incorporating the environment.yaml file which is included in the repository:

conda env create -f environment.yaml -n [YOUR_ENV_NAME]

Activate the new environment:

conda activate www

Access to database

In order to access the database on Azure Cloud, the file db_config.json must be placed in a folder called config on the top level. Additionally, the user's IP address must be registered in Azure.

Generation, ingestion and transformation

Hiking routes: Overpass

File: overpass.ipynb

In order to retrieve the coordinates and names of hiking routes within Switzerland, we make use of the freely available Overpass API (Link, Documentation).

The query (Overpass Query Language (OQL)) searches for hiking routes within a specified area (rectangle representing Switzerland), excludes non-Swiss hiking routes by only considering routes with specific route symbols (e.g. red-white-red or yellow routes) and returns the center point coordinates of the corresponding route.

We transform the data, create a new table OVRP_HikingRoutes in the database www_db on SQL Server on Azure Cloud and ingest the data given the adjusted data types. There's a total of over 15'000 hiking routes that we store in the database.

Weather forecast data: Open-Meteo

File: WeatherForecast.ipynb

We retrieve the weather forecast data from the Open-Meteo API (Link, Documentation).

For the given coordinates, you can request forecast data for intervals of 15min, 1h or 1d for the next 16 days. It is also possible to get historical forecast data or historical weather data. For our use case, we decided to go for hourly forecast data for one day (next 24h).

There is a time-bound limit of API calls that can be used within the freely available non-commercial use which forces us to restrict the requests for the weather forecast data. Therefore, we reduced our hiking routes to be queried to 300. This way, we can ensure a seamless integration and operation of the data engineering pipeline.

The coordinates of the hiking routes are first retrieved from the table OVRP_HikingRoutes. We then gather the weather forecast data, where we extract 19 meteorological data points for each location and hour. We process the data, generate a new table OPNM_WeatherForecast in the www_db database, and ingest the data using the appropriate data types.

Geocoding addresses: OpenCage

File: opencage_addressdata.ipynb

To get more information about the extracted hiking route coordinates from Overpass, we call the OpenCage Geocoding API (Link, Documentation). This gives us more granular geographical data like postal code, region and Canton.

The free version of this API also has a limit (2500 calls per day), i.e. we can't request data for all 15'000 coordinates. Given the hiking route coordinates in table overpass, we request 8 more data points for each location. After transforming the data, we create the OPNC_Addresses table in the www_db database and import the data assigning the fitting data types.