nens / parramatta-dashboard

Dashboard web-app for the City of Parramatta
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Parramatta Dashboard

This is the React/Redux-based dashboard web-app for the City of Parramatta.




The base skeleton for this project was generated using create-react-app.


A pre-commit hook is configured to run Prettier.js every time, so the codebase stays in consistent form, style-wise.

If you work on this project, please submit changes via Pull Requests and follow the commit guidelines as outlined here.

See Standard Version

These commit messages will be used to auto-generate

Have a look at the buck-trap README for more information about the release procedure.

Production bundle

Run yarn build and look in the dist/ folder. Now verify that the files in the dist/ folder were updated.


To tag this as a new release and to add the dist folder to the release attachments on we use nens/buck-trap. If you have not already done so, create a github token and add it to deploy/auth.json.

You can create your tokens here: Grant the token full access under the repo section

The auth.json file should like similar to this:

    "token": "Your-token-that-you-created-on-github"


npm run release

Buck-trap ups version number in package.json, compiles the tags and creates a github release with a zipped dist/. Verify in github that a new release was created with the correct version number.

NOTE: Sometimes buck trap messes up for unknown reasons. It does everything except making the github release. It hangs with the message: tag already exists. This sucks because you will have to clean up the tag and revert the release commit.

NOTE on the NOTE: One time reverting the release commit an making a new release it did not update the again which resulted in this PR: #821.

_NOTE: When the npm run release script asks for authentication to github even though the token above was configured correctly, then this is probably because you are referencing the repository over https in package.json. The repository url should be the ssh variant which can be found on github under clone repo.

Releasing hotfixes or patches

Consider fixing bugs before creating new features or release bugfixes together with features. This significantly simplifies development. If you do decide on fixing a bug after merging features and you cannot wait for another official release, create a bugfix branch as described by the nens workflow.

Do not linger your bugfixes around. It was a bug right? Otherwise you might as well just put it in the normal feature flow. So create a distribution, release and deploy it. The fixes can be rolled out as patches without affecting the main release track. To run buck-trap from this branch and to release the branch with its

npm run release -- -b fixes_<bugged version you want to fix>

The would have to be merged with master after the release, which might give some merge conflicts. C'est la vie.


For the deployment of frontend repositories we make use of an Ansible script in the lizard-nxt repository. More information is provided in the readme file of lizard-nxt: Look below the heading "Deployment clients".


This client has l10n/i18n support via react-intl. English is the default/fallback language.

To extract translation tags to the i18n catalog: $ yarn run i18n:extract. To update the language catalogs: $ yarn run i18n:update

To execute both subsequently, run: $ yarn run i18n:extract-then-update.

See src/translations/locales/[language].json. (where language is 'nl', for now)


Uses lizard-api-client for XHR calls to the back-end and returns Immutable.js datastructures. See actions.js and reducers.js.


There are two routes:


To be written...

Browser development extensions

These extensions may help: