Calculate waterdepths for 3Di results. For results of type 'raw' the variable 's1' is used as waterlevel. For results of type 'aggregate', the variable 's1_max' is used as waterlevel.
For the interpolated mode, the 'lizard'-method is used. For a detailed
description, read the docstring for the LizardLevelCalculator
For the maximum waterlevel calculation, the maximum waterlevel for each point is taken before the interpolation is applied. This can lead to situations where the highest waterlevel for a pixel for a certain timestep is higher than the maximum waterlevel for the pixel.
Make sure GDAL is available as (from osgeo import gdal
$ pip install threedidepth
From the cli::
$ threedidepth gridadmin.h5 dem.tif waterdepth.tif
Or python::
>>> threedidepth.calculate_waterdepth(...)
For development, clone the repository and use a docker compose setup::
$ docker compose build --build-arg uid=`id -u` --build-arg gid=`id -g` lib
$ docker compose up --no-start
$ docker compose start
$ docker compose exec lib bash
Create a virtualenv::
# note that Dockerfile prepends .venv/bin to $PATH
(docker)$ virtualenv .venv --system-site-packages
Install dependencies & package and run tests::
(docker)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(docker)$ pip install -e .[test]
(docker)$ pytest
Update packages::
(docker)$ rm -rf .venv
(docker)$ virtualenv .venv --system-site-packages
(docker)$ pip install -e .
(docker)$ pip freeze | grep -v threedidepth > requirements.txt