== Converting Asciidoc Files to Neo4j Browser Guides
This program uses AsciiDoctor erb templates to generate an outline html and a slide for each level two header.
=== Create HTML
./run.sh path/to/a_guide.adoc [guide.html]
Full options:
./run.sh /path/to/file.adoc [/path/to/file.html] [header-level-offset] [base-url] [additional asciidoc options]
=== Start Local Server
It is patched to allow CORS headers for the browser to serve the HTML directory.
=== Configuration
to conf/neo4j-server.properties
to conf/neo4j.conf
and restart.
You can also add the specific localhost:8001
For neo4j-community
you have to use sudo
and run the http script on port 80.
For example, use BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(("", 80),CORSRequestHandler).serve_forever()
in http.py
To view the guides in the Neo4j Browser, run:
You can find more details on how to create guides and their format in link:docs/remote-guides.md[] and an example in link:docs/remote.html[]