neo4j-contrib / sql2cypher

Experimental SQL to Cypher Transpiler using jooq and cypher-dsl
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 1 forks source link
cypher cypher-dsl jooq sql

WARNING: This repository is achieved as of January 2024. We are very grateful towards and Lukas Eder for getting this up and running! The content of this experimental work now lives on as part of the official[Neo4j JDBC Driver], see the[translator module].

= Sql2Cypher Experimental Transpiler from SQL to Cypher

This library is an experiment for converting SQL statements (first only read statements) to the appropriate Cypher equivalent.

It is currently in a pre-alpha stage.

== Example

For example:


SELECT t.a, t.b FROM my_table AS t WHERE t.a = 1

can be translated into



More examples can be found in the link:src/test/resources[TCK].

== Download

Please go to[the early access download] where we offer a bunch of binaries for various operating systems and architectures. These binaries come with a dedicated and prepackaged JVM, no need to install Java separately.

Here's an example for macOS on Apple silicon, please adapt as necessary for your system and architecture:


curl -LO mkdir -p sql2cypher bsdtar xvf --strip-components=1 -C sql2cypher ./sql2cypher/bin/sql2cypher -V

== Usage


Usage: sql2cypher [-hV] [--disable-pretty-printing] [--parse-name-case=] [--sql-dialect=] [--table-to-label-mapping=]... [COMMAND] Translates SQL statements to Cypher queries.

Any valid SQL statement that should be translated to Cypher --parse-name-case= How to parse names; valid values are: AS_IS, LOWER, LOWER_IF_UNQUOTED, UPPER, UPPER_IF_UNQUOTED, DEFAULT and the default is LOWER_IF_UNQUOTED --table-to-label-mapping= A table name that should be mapped to a specific label, repeat for multiple mappings --sql-dialect= The SQL dialect to use for parsing; valid values are: DEFAULT, CUBRID, DERBY, FIREBIRD, H2, HSQLDB, IGNITE, MARIADB, MYSQL, POSTGRES, SQLITE, YUGABYTEDB and the default is DEFAULT --disable-pretty-printing Disables pretty printing -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -V, --version Print version information and exit. Commands: help Display help information about the specified command. ---- == Build Please head over to our link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[contributing instruction] to learn about build requirements, how to build this project and additional topics like native image with GraalVM. == Dependencies *[jOOQ - SQL DSL] *[Neo4j Cypher-DSL] *[PicoCli]