= Movies Example Application
image:https://github.com/neo4j-examples/movies-java-spring-data-neo4j/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg?event=push[Build Status,link=https://github.com/neo4j-examples/movies-java-spring-data-neo4j/actions/workflows/build.yml]
How to use Spring Boot, Spring Data, and Neo4j together.
Spring Data Neo4j enables convenient integration of Neo4j in your Spring-based application. It provides object-graph mapping (OGM) functionality and other features common to the Spring Data projects.
[NOTE] This project uses Spring Data Neo4j 6. The previous version, using SDN 5 + OGM can still be accessed under the https://github.com/neo4j-examples/movies-java-spring-data-neo4j/tree/sdn5-ogm branch.
[NOTE] For a broader overview of Spring Data Neo4j 6 with the same dataset, you can access the https://github.com/neo4j-examples/movies-java-spring-data-neo4j/tree/sdn6-full-example branch.
The example project is described in detail on the https://neo4j.com/developer/example-project/[Neo4j Developer Site]
The project uses Java 17.
== The Stack
These are the components of our Web Application:
Provision a database quickly with https://sandbox.neo4j.com/?usecase=movies[Neo4j Sandbox] or https://neo4j.com/cloud/aura/[Neo4j Aura].
== Configuration options
[%header,cols=2*] |=== |Environment variable name |Default value (or N/A)
|PORT |8080
|NEO4J_URI |neo4j+s://demo.neo4jlabs.com
|NEO4J_USER |movies
|NEO4J_VERSION |4 |===
Please set NEO4J_VERSION
to 3.5
when running Neo4j 3.5.x. Leave as is otherwise.