neo4j-labs / llm-graph-builder

Neo4j graph construction from unstructured data
Apache License 2.0
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Knowledge Graph Builder App

This application is designed to convert PDF documents into a knowledge graph stored in Neo4j. It utilizes the power of OpenAI's GPT/Diffbot LLM(Large language model) to extract nodes, relationships and properties from the text content of the PDF and then organizes them into a structured knowledge graph using Langchain framework. Files can be uploaded from local machine or S3 bucket and then LLM model can be chosen to create the knowledge graph.

Getting started

:warning: You will need to have a Neo4j Database V5.15 or later with APOC installed to use this Knowledge Graph Builder. You can use any Neo4j Aura database (including the free database) If you are using Neo4j Desktop, you will not be able to use the docker-compose but will have to follow the separate deployment of backend and frontend section. :warning:

Deploy locally

Running through docker-compose

By default only OpenAI and Diffbot are enabled since Gemini requires extra GCP configurations.

In your root folder, create a .env file with your OPENAI and DIFFBOT keys (if you want to use both):


if you only want OpenAI:


if you only want Diffbot:


You can then run Docker Compose to build and start all components:

docker-compose up --build
Additional configs

By default, the input sources will be: Local files, Youtube, Wikipedia and AWS S3. As this default config is applied:


If however you want the Google GCS integration, add gcs and your Google client ID:


You can of course combine all (local, youtube, wikipedia, s3 and gcs) or remove any you don't want/need.

Running Backend and Frontend separately (dev environment)

Alternatively, you can run the backend and frontend separately:

To deploy the app and packages on Google Cloud Platform, run the following command on google cloud run:

# Frontend deploy 
gcloud run deploy 
source location current directory > Frontend
region : 32 [us-central 1]
Allow unauthenticated request : Yes
# Backend deploy 
gcloud run deploy --set-env-vars "OPENAI_API_KEY = " --set-env-vars "DIFFBOT_API_KEY = " --set-env-vars "NEO4J_URI = " --set-env-vars "NEO4J_PASSWORD = " --set-env-vars "NEO4J_USERNAME = "
source location current directory > Backend
region : 32 [us-central 1]
Allow unauthenticated request : Yes



extract_graph_from_file(uri, userName, password, file_path, model):

Extracts nodes , relationships and properties from a PDF file leveraging LLM models.

 uri: URI of the graph to extract
 userName: Username to use for graph creation ( if None will use username from config file )
 password: Password to use for graph creation ( if None will use password from config file )
 file: File object containing the PDF file path to be used
 model: Type of model to use ('Gemini Pro' or 'Diffbot')

 Json response to API with fileName, nodeCount, relationshipCount, processingTime, 
 status and model as attributes.

create_source_node_graph(uri, userName, password, file):

Creates a source node in Neo4jGraph and sets properties.

 uri: URI of Graph Service to connect to
 userName: Username to connect to Graph Service with ( default : None )
 password: Password to connect to Graph Service with ( default : None )
 file: File object with information about file to be added

 Success or Failure message of node creation


 Returns a list of file sources in the database by querying the graph and 
 sorting the list by the last updated date. 

Chunk nodes and embeddings creation in Neo4j


Application Walkthrough


The Public Google cloud Run URL. Workspace URL