neoclide / coc-highlight

Document highlight and document colors LSP support for coc.nvim
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coc document-highlight highlight-symbol neovim vim


Provide filetype irrelevant highlights to coc.nvim, including document highlight (highlight of current document symbol) and color highlights.

Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at 9 11 33 AM

Important the implementation from version 2.0.0 have changed from language server to worker threads, and only changed lines are calculated for colors.


In your vim/neovim, run command:

:CocInstall coc-highlight



To enable highlight current symbol on CursorHold, add:

autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')

to your .vimrc or use the coc_current_word plugin which provides configurable delayed highlighting independently from the user's updatetime setting.

To add colors support for all filetypes, use:

"colors.enable": true,

to your settings.json.

To pick a different color, use command:

:call CocAction('pickColor')

Note: only works on Mac or have python gtk module installed.

To pick a different color presentation, use command:

:call CocAction('colorPresentation')



Q: Why color highlight is not shown on my vim?

A: For terminal vim, you have to enable 24-bit RGB color by set termguicolors and make sure your terminal support true colors. To make sure the highlight is not disabled, enable verbose output by "highlight.trace": "verbose" in configuration file and checkout the output by :CocCommand workspace.showOutput highlight.

Q: How to change highlight of the current symbol.

A: All you need is overwrite the highlight group, checkout :h coc-highlights
