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Miscellenous PR for Issue 115. #117

Closed savyez closed 6 months ago

savyez commented 7 months ago

Current behavior

added OpenAI command to arg parser i.e. --model_type openai but there is an errors occuring like :-

PS F:\opensource\NeoGPT> python --model_type openai load INSTRUCTOR_Transformer max_seq_length 512 2023-12-07 22:05:06,000 - WARNING - - 🚨 You are using a large Language model. Please use a quantized model for better performance Enter your query: hello Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\opensource\NeoGPT\", line 168, in <module> main() File "F:\opensource\NeoGPT\", line 154, in main db_retriver( File "F:\opensource\NeoGPT\neogpt\", line 88, in db_retriver chain = local_retriever(db, llm, persona) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "F:\opensource\NeoGPT\neogpt\retrievers\", line 33, in local_retriever return chain ^^^^^ UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'chain' where it is not associated with a value.

Proposed changes

Try solving this error and the #115 task 1 will be more or less solve.
