neokd / NeoGPT

Chat effortlessly, execute commands, and interpret code with Llama3, Phi3, and more - your local AI assistant. Enjoy seamless interaction while ensuring ultimate privacy
MIT License
68 stars 62 forks source link
chatgpt llama3 mistral ollama phi3 python

NeoGPT 🚀

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Currently We are in the development phase and are in progress of removing langchain as a dependency from the existing codebase. We are also working on adding more features to the CLI .

Documentation | Discord

Intro Image

pip install neogpt

Not working? Read our setup guide here

$ neogpt


NeoGPT is an AI assistant that transforms your local workspace into a powerhouse of productivity from your CLI. With features like code interpretation, multi-RAG support, vision models, and LLM integration, NeoGPT redefines how you work and create. Join the revolution and experience a new era of efficiency with NeoGPT.

NeoGPT is continuously evolving, and your feedback shapes its future. Join our Discord community to stay up to date with the latest developments.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Clone this repository and install the necessary dependencies.

      git clone
      cd NeoGPT/neogpt
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Building Database Currently NeoGPT supports local files and Youtube videos. To build the database add your local files to the documents directory and URL in the builder.url file. Then run the builder script.

       python --build

    This will create a database file in the neogpt/db folder. You can also specify the database to use by using --db flag. Supported databases are:

    • Chroma (default)
    • FAISS

    Currently the database is built using 2 papers as reference:

  3. Run NeoGPT: Run the CLI to start using NeoGPT. Requires Python v3.10. You can use the --help flag to view the available commands and options.


    You can also use --ui flag to run the Streamlit UI.

    python --ui
  4. Project Documentation: To view the project documentation, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt (Development ⚠️)

    cd docs
    npm i mintlify
    mintlify dev


Quick Start

pip install


After installing the package, you can run the CLI by typing the following command in your terminal.

$ neogpt


from neogpt import db_retriever

chain = db_retriever()

chain.invoke("What operating system are we on?")


Code Interpreter

To use the Interpreter, type the following command in your terminal.

$ neogpt --interpreter

Build Vector Database

To build the vector database, type the following command in your terminal.

$ neogpt --build

Run Streamlit UI

To run the Streamlit UI, type the following command in your terminal.

$ neogpt --ui

Change Your LLM

Offline LLM

To change your LLM, type the following command in your terminal.

$ neogpt --model ollama/bakllava

Online LLM

To change your LLM, type the following command in your terminal.

Warning: Add your API key to the .env file before running the command.

$ neogpt --model together/mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2

Magic Commands


We welcome contributions to NeoGPT! If you have ideas for new features or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. For more information, see our contributing guide.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Let's innovate together! 🤖✨