neomatrix369 / RESTAPIUnifier

RESTAPIUnifier - brings together all the APIs of various formats under one roof!
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Failing Flickr Tests #88

Open mbateman opened 9 years ago

mbateman commented 9 years ago

search and recentPhotos fail with the following: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:

This error is because the url should be https. May be Flickr changed this recently.

neomatrix369 commented 9 years ago

Very likely, this worked but these APIs (Examples) are a moving target sometimes. When they change we need to accommodate atleast in the examples and then if required the base library as well.

mbateman commented 8 years ago

This issue has been fixed.

neomatrix369 commented 8 years ago

Flikr tests are still failing for me, see

Results :

Failed tests: 
  ArtistEndpointBehaviours.should_retrieve_appropriate_format:78->BaseFixture.assertResponseIsValidXml:52 The beginning of the response does not match XML start
Expected: a string starting with "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>, <artist>,"
     but: was "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>, <error code="3" description="Invalid artist">, </error>"
  ArtistEndpointBehaviours.should_default_to_rss_format:68->BaseFixture.assertResponseIsValidRss:48 The rss description tag is not correct
Expected: a string containing "<description>Artist Lookup for yello</description>"
     but: was "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>, <rss xmlns:muzu="" version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:av="">,   <channel>,     <title>Error</title>,     <link></link>,     <description>Error</description>,     <image>,       <url></url>,       <title>Error</title>,       <link></link>,     </image>,     <language>en-gb</language>,     <item>,       <title>3</title>,       <description>Invalid artist</description>,     </item>,   </channel>, </rss>"