neomatrix369 / RESTAPIUnifier

RESTAPIUnifier - brings together all the APIs of various formats under one roof!
GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 7 forks source link


RESTAPIUnifier - lightweight Java library that brings together RESTful APIs under one roof! Eventually making such libraries available for different programming enviornments like Javascript, PHP, Python, etc...

Build status

Overall build status (multiple JDKs) Build Status

JDK 1.7 Build status Build Status

OpenJDK 8 Build status Build Status

Built on CloudBees License

Currently covered by GPLv2. See LICENSE file ( in root and other directories.

Use the following maven command to format source files with license headers

$ mvn license:format

Use the following maven command to perform license checks on source files

$ mvn license:check

Use the following maven command to remove license headers from source files

$ mvn license:remove

Java 8 Compatibility

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Compatibility Badge

JSR 353 - JSON-processing API has been used as part of the implementation of this library.

We are supporters of the b>[@adoptopenjdk](</b and b>[@adoptajsr](</b programs!

Purpose and audience

To simplify the use and maintainence of dependencies on external or internal APIs (RESTful APIs). Create an abstraction layer between your application and APIs from disparate vendors and increase cohesion, reduce coupling.

Developers, OpenSource committers, API vendors, API Service Providers, etc... will benefit from such a library.


For the java version of the libary, when loading the project into IDEs like Eclipse or IntelliJ please use the pom.xml file within the java sub-folder and not the pom.xml in the root folder.

Powered by IntelliJ IDEA - @JetBrains and we are proud of it - thank you for your support !

Examples implemented using RESTAPIUnifier



Note: each of the examples require their own settings file containing properties. Also most of them expect you to have your API key atleast to access their services. Information for these requirements are mentioned within comments of each if the source codes.


Implementations based on the principles behind this idea

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Getting started

Fork repo into your own organisation using the interface. For further help with using the site please refer to

Clone the github repo on your system:

$ git clone<[your user id]>/RESTAPIUnifier.git

Note: local repo will be refered to by the name 'origin'.

Create a link from the local repo to the remote repo (upstream = parent repo):

$ git remote add upstream

To push changes from local repo to own github repo:

$ git push origin master

To pull changes from own github repo to local repo:

$ git pull origin master

To pull changes from original remote repo to local repo:

$ git pull upstream master

For further help with git commands, please refer to one of the git cheatsheets at


