nervescloud / nerves_hub_link_geo

Sync your Devices location with NervesHub
MIT License
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NervesHubLinkGeo - Device Location Extension

A simple way to sync the location of your Nerves devices with your choosen NervesHub platform.

The default location resolver uses for geo locating your device by its IP address.


Just add :nerves_hub_link_geo to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:nerves_hub_link_geo, "~> 0.1.0"}

Advanced configuration

You can setup your own location resolver by implementing the NervesHubLinkGeo.Resolver behavior.

For example:

defmodule MyApp.SpecialResolver do
  @behaviour NervesHubLinkGeo.Resolver

  @impl true
  def resolve_location() do
    magic = MyApp.GPSMagic.lat_lng()

    payload = %{
      latitude: magic.latitude,
      longitude: magic.longitude,
      source: :gps

    {:ok, payload}

And then to hook it up, add the following to your config/config.exs:

config :nerves_hub_link_geo,
  resolver: MyApp.SpecialResolver

And magic!