nesnes / IA_robot

Intelligence artificielle pour robot destiné à participer à la Coupe De France de Robotique
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Intelligence artificielle pour robot destiné à participer à la Coupe De France de Robotique

This project is now being replaced by its version 2 implemented in nodejs:

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This IA is designed to be easily customizable with new xml files describing the maps, goals, and robots.

The map is the top down 2D view of the environment. It contains the position of the object and obstacles with some metadat like: color of the object, type of object, position to be reached to access it, shape and so on.

The goals are the list of action to be done on the map. They are executed by the IA if the conditions are matched.

The robot is a set of value describing its size, its starting positions on the table, it storage capacity, its connected boards and so on.

All the aspect are described from the following architecture:


All the used (xml) files are selected in web interface. You can edit files and start simulations or live match from the web interface. (No internet connection required)

Creating a new map

All the previous map.xml files are contained in the corresponding folder. Just duplicate and rename the latest one, and edit the point of interest.

Creating a new Robot

To create a new robot, just duplicate a modify an existing robot file, and implement a class which inherits from the actual class. It will contain all the custom functions of your robot like openLeftStorage, moveRoboticArm, startCollectedObjectSorting and so on. The default class handles the more shared functions like moveToXY or waitForStartSignal. The name of the robot your xml file will be used to find a corresponding python class. The default robot class will be loaded if not found.

name=myRobot in robots/myRobot.xml will load robots.myRobot.MyRobot from robots/ if it has been added in robots/

Creating new goals

To create a new goal file, just duplicate a modify an existing one. Since it will be used with your own robot class, you can use your own robot functions and the ones from the root Robot class. You can also use conditions on the variables (storageLocations) on your robot.

Interfacing with your hardware robot

Your robot.xml file list the boards connected to it. It can use the default existing ones like controlPanel, movingBase, or collisionDetector. The IA will look for these boards to execute the movements and receive signals. The communication protocol is described in each files and in the root

To be loaded, your board must be added in boards/


Please write an issue if any bug is found or if you want to discuss about an implmentation. Notice that the project is still under development (May 2018).