nestauk / ai_research

AI research work.
MIT License
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The Privatization of AI Research: Causes and Consequences

We analyze the causes and consequences of the ongoing privatization of AI research, particularly the transition of AI researchers from academia to industry. This is a collaborative work between the Aalborg University and Nesta.

How to use the data / repo

git clone

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from ai_research.mag.mag_orm import FieldOfStudy

# Read the configuration file and create a session.
db_config = 'postgres+psycopg2://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:5432/DBNAME'
engine = create_engine(db_config)
Session = sessionmaker(engine)
s = Session()

fields_of_study = pd.read_sql(s.query(FieldOfStudy).statement, s.bind)

Note: contains the SQLAlchemy mappings (ORMs) used in the database. In the example above, I imported the FieldOfStudy ORM which corresponds to mag_fields_of_study table in the database. You have to import the ORMs for the tables you want to read!



Data decisions

Project based on the Nesta cookiecutter data science project template.