netcreateorg / netcreate-itest

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Try and optimize page load times #166

Closed jdanish closed 2 months ago

jdanish commented 2 months ago

@benloh I didn't see any easy way to order but I think we need to put a little time into this. This can wait until provenance and comments are working since ideally we'll use those with teachers to do co-design this summer. And if you need to push it for other things like auth and admin, AOK. But I wanted to make sure we planned some for it.

benloh commented 2 months ago

page load

If you have a current project with bad load times that would help us figure out how how to optimize. This is a pretty good time to do that.


The key is to make sure you add the current iteration ("@4 Comment Design") for the project. Then the "Current Iteration" view will have the lists of everything and that can be ordered:

An easier way to do this is to just start from the project view and just use the "Add Item" -- that'll put you on the right iteration and let you order right away. You can then convert the draft to an issue. I just noticed that our link in the slack channel was using an expired iteration. So I've updated it. That's one of the annoying things about how github handles projects.

jdanish commented 2 months ago

It seems unrelated to the amount of data. For example, with only 3 nodes, this takes close to 5 seconds in chrome:

jdanish commented 2 months ago
Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 12 14 04 PM
benloh commented 2 months ago

This is running on your laptop? I'm seeing a TON of autoreload messages. Do you have something that is causing the site to constant rebuild itself?

jdanish commented 2 months ago

That’s digital ocean and not that I know of?

benloh commented 2 months ago


DO is probably running in dev mode so it's detecting changes in the code and triggering recompiles. Did this problem just start recently?

benloh commented 2 months ago

You might try npm run classroom instead, though I can't test that right now.

jdanish commented 2 months ago

I can try but isn’t it multiplex that does it?

benloh commented 2 months ago

Ah I didn't realize (but of course should have known) you were running multiplex too. You could try running without multiplex to see if it has the same problem. I know Sri has been looking into DO support as that has never been formally supported.

benloh commented 2 months ago

@jdanish did you run npm run package on step 3? The autoreload is probably being caused by your building it using npm run dev?

I just did a local test and do not see the autoreloads.

Granted the nc-multiplex instructions are now a little confusing because of all the changes.

jdanish commented 2 months ago

OK, not a new issue, I just didn't report it since I assumed it was DO. running classroom is deprecated, so I was using ./nc.js but I now realize that uses dev. I switched the live server (same link) to package in step 3 and it a) seems much better, and b) doesn't seem to be causing as many errors in the console (none). So ... maybe not an issue at all! Let's revisit later if we have extra time, but otherwise mark this closed.

benloh commented 2 months ago

I'm updating the multiplex readme to address this.

jdanish commented 2 months ago

Thanks. I think this is my fault - when classroom no-longer worked, package seemed funny and the packaging isn't working currently so I assumed I'd use the one thing that does work (dev). I shoulda asked. Anyhow, no harm no foul. Thanks!


benloh commented 2 months ago

README updated:

benloh commented 2 months ago

Packaging may be buggy when trying to export it somewhere, but it still does what it's supposed to on DO in terms of building the files so that multiplex can run.

jdanish commented 2 months ago

Makes sense, thanks! Just explaining my logic, though all good and caught up now!