netcreateorg / netcreate-itest

Developing the 2.0 version of NetCreate
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NetCreate 2018 is a network graph analysis tool for researching reading comprehension in the digital humanities classroom. See the NetCreate Wiki for additional documentation.

This is a work in progress. Please see Developer 2.0 Work in Progress Branch at the bottom for current notes.


If you use or refer to Net.Create in a publication, we ask that you cite it. The correct citation is: Craig, K. & Danish, J. (2018). Net.Create. Indiana University, IN.


The Wiki has detailed instructions. In general, you'll need to install the prerequisite Git and NodeJS (as of 12/23/2023 the officially supported version of Node is version 18.18.0) command line utilities to your computer and use a terminal program to issue the following commands to install from the Internet.

1. First Install

The first time you run Net.Create, you need to do some initial setup.

git clone
cd netcreate-itest
git checkout dev
nvm use
npm ci
# create default netcreate.config file
./nc.js --dataset=demo

This will get NetCreate installed and ready to run. It may take some time for the npm ci command to finish installing, so be patient!

The first time you run Net.Create, you also need to create a net-create.config file. This will tell Net.Create which dataset to open and which ports to use. We have a script that can do this for you. Run:

This will start up the app server. View the webapp by visiting localhost:3000. The IP address of the server is reported in console if you need to test from remote computer.

2. Subsequent Runs

After you've installed Net.Create, you can just run this script whenever you want to start the app:

npm run dev

This will load the dataset defined and set by the nc.js command during first install. To change the default dataset, use the ./nc.js --dataset=projectname command.

3. Generating Logins

Run NetCreate server and browse to the web app. Enter the console and type ncMakeTokens('class','prj','demo',5); to generate 5 login tokens.

To access the Import/Export and Template Editor, you will need to enable admin mode in one of two ways:


Once you have NetCreate installed, make sure you are in the netcreate-itest directory. From there, you can execute scripts through the npm tool that is installed as part of NodeJS.

You will be using these commands most frequently:


How to access Net.Create as a client: After starting the Net.Create server, you'll see a set of command line responses. One of those is labeled "CLIENTS" and has an IP address that clients can paste into their browser window's address field to access the main Net.Create server.

How to add/change node/edge entries in Net.Create: Net.Create defaults to a view-only state. In order to make any additions/changes to the Net.Create database, each client needs an access token entered in the "Login" field in the upper left-hand corner of the Net.Create window. See ncMakeTokens below in "Support Operations".

How to change node/edge types and select a different project: Two files in the /build/runtime folder hold both data (netcreate.loki) and template (netcreate.template). You can copy and rename these file pairs (i.e. netcreate.template/loki -> mynetwork.template/loki) and then use that to run the server (./nc.js --dataset=mynetwork).


To generate access keys for groups, there is a utility accessible from the javascript console of a browser that's running the NetCreate app.

To erase the database, another javascript console command ncEmptyDatabase() will erase the server database. You may have to issue the command twice for it to take hold. Then refresh the browser and see if the database was erased.

All session logs are stored in netcreate-2018/build/runtime/logs.

The server database is stored in netcreate-2018/build/runtime/netcreate.loki if you use npm run dev to start the server. You can copy this file to back it up, even while the server is running.

The node/edge templates are stored in netcreate-2018/build/runtime/netcreate.template if you use npm run dev to start the server.

Developer 2.0 Work in Progress Branch

This is currently tagged v1.5.0, but in fact, this is the developer's "NetCreate 2.0" branch, forked from NetCreate 2018's dev branch. We will be doing the experimental development stuff here independent from the main repo to avoid changing how it works by accident, as there is quite a lot of architectural refactoring we need to do. If you are not a developer for NetCreate 2.0, this repo will likely only have curiosity value to you.



First Install

nvm use
npm ci
# create default netcreate.config file
./nc.js --dataset=testproject

This will start up the app server. View the webapp by visiting localhost:3000. The IP address of the server is reported in console if you need to test from remote computer.

Subsequent Runs

npm run dev

This will load the dataset defined and set by the nc.js command during first install. To change the default dataset, use the ./nc.js --dataset=projectname command.

Generating Logins

Run NetCreate server and browse to the web app. Enter the console and type ncMakeTokens('class','prj','testproject',5); to generate 5 login tokens.

To access the Import/Export and Template Editor, you will need to enable admin mode in one of two ways:


under development