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Developing the 2.0 version of NetCreate
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Build System: Replace Brunch with Modern Tooling #43

Open daveseah opened 11 months ago

daveseah commented 11 months ago

The build tool brunch that is used to compile the NetCreate app is no longer actively developed or supported. For future-proofing, we may want to consider replacing it with a more modern tool.


Brunch is the Javascript Build Tool aka "bundler" that's currently used in NetCreate-2018 and still used in NetCreate-ITEST. At the time it was a contender to Webpack, the bundler that eventually won out. Brunch is no longer actively maintained and many of its dependencies require security updates. However, the true security needs are on the webserver side, not the developer's build tool side; in other words, so long as the web app itself is secure, the tools that we use to build the web app maybe don't have to. This is something we will need to untangle, probably when we get to the server architecture point.


I've made a note of what the current bundler process does:


We just need to produce these bundles in an alternate way so they can be included in app/index.ejs. For reference, here's the general structure of that file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/netc-app.css" type="text/css" />
    <div id="app-container">
      <div style="padding: 10px;">Loading Net.Create...</div>
    <script src="config/netcreate-config.js"></script>
      // NC_UNISYS are network parameters
      window.NC_UNISYS = {
        client: {
          ip: '<%=ip%>',
          ukey: '<%=ukey%>'
        server: {
          hostname: '<%=hostname%>',
          ip: '<%=hostip%>',
          ustart: '<%=ustart%>'
        socket: {
          uaddr: '<%=uaddr%>',
          uport: '<%=uport%>'
    <script src="/scripts/netc-lib.js"></script>
    <script src="/scripts/netc-app.js"></script>
      document.title += ` ${window.NC_CONFIG.dataset} @ ${window.NC_UNISYS.server.ip}`;

In the above you can see:

Our later projects (e.g. GEMSTEP) already have converted to Webpack so it should not be too much of a problem, just an annoyance to deal with on a scheduled "technical debt" week when we start doing those.

daveseah commented 10 months ago

NetCreate 1.0 Build System Notes

Outlining all the bits of the current brunchjs-based build system to see what we can replace it with.

1. npm package scripts

In package.json we have several scripts defined:

2. netcreate config generation

Before running brunch itself, there is a hack to create the app-config/netcreate-config.js file using Ben's nc.js configuration tool, and this is also imported into brunch-config.js as the constant NC_CONFIG

// this file generated by NC command
const NC_CONFIG = {
  dataset: "test",
  port: "3000",
  googlea: "0"
if (typeof process === "object") module.exports = NC_CONFIG;
if (typeof window === "object") window.NC_CONFIG = NC_CONFIG;

The nc.js script MUST be run for Netcreate to function, though this is not strongly documented in the codebase itself. At minimum, you can do:

# create app-config/netcreate-config.js to use a database and template
# in the runtime directory 
./nc.js --dataset='test'

# now you can start netcreate
npm run dev

In this example, the files test.loki and test.template.toml are created in the runtime folder. These are used by the appserver to spawn a database instance (LokiJS) and a TOML file that contains the configuration of the "templated features".

3. brunch configuration

Brunch works by collecting all the same types of file into a concatenated bundle stufed into the public directory (brunch default).

The brunch-config.js file is used by the brunch command, and the devserver is loaded in brunch-server.js (these are both hardcoded filenames used by brunch).

The brunch-config.js file specifies these main bundles:

javascript files:
  app* -> scripts/netc-app.js
  !app -> scripts/netc-lib.js
  app, node_modules -> styles/netc-app.css

There are specific plugins to handle transpilation and static files.

  presets: env, react
  app-config/*    -> public/config
  app-data/*      -> public/data
  app-templates/* -> public/templates
  app-htmldemos/* -> public/htmldemos

There are specific environmental switches: classroom, package, and package-debug

4. brunch custom server

The brunch custom webserver is used by brunch watch --server which looks for a hardcoded brunch-server.js filename.

Ours does quite a bit in configuration:

When the server is finally started, the callback does a number of additional checks.

Then it configures the underlying system:

The server instance also gets an error handler to detect EADDRINUSE

daveseah commented 10 months ago

NOTE: The template system is complicated and its code is extremely difficult follow. There are legacy datafiles in app-templates and app-data that may or may not be related. Awaiting confirmation on what these are currently being used for.