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Feature: Re-implement Markdown support and Image Support #91

Closed benloh closed 8 months ago

benloh commented 8 months ago

This adds:

  1. The ability to add markdown text in NCNode and NCEdge fields
  2. The ability to add images to a Node or Edge via markdown.

Markdown support in Templates

Custom attribute fields usually use a string, numeric, boolean, or option type.

We now have a new markdown attribute field type. It essentially works the same as a string field, but in the rendered view, the string text will be parsed as markdown and rendered as HTML. This supports most markdown formatting, including links and images.

Only fields that have been set to a markdown type will render as markdown. Any attribute fields that are of type string will continue to render as a simple string.

To Use a Markdown Field

Custom Markdown type attribute fields need to be defined for the project template you're using before you can use them. The easiest way to use a markdown field is to change an existing field from a string type to a markdown type.

Defining Markdown Type Fields

You can either edit the template using the Template Editor UI, or edit the template *.template.toml file directly.

Edit the Template using the Template Editor UI

  1. Select "More..." > "Edit Template" > "Edit Current Template"
  2. Find the custom attribute field you want to change, e.g. notes
  3. Under the type property, change the type from string to markdown
  4. Save the template.
  5. The new type should be applied immediately.
  6. Test the template -- see "Using a Markdown FIeld" below.

Edit the *.template.toml file directly

  1. Open the *.template.toml file for the project you're working on.
  2. Find the attribute you want to change.
  3. Change the type = "string" to type = "markdown". The attribute definition looks like this:
    type = "markdown"
    displayLabel = "Significance"
    exportLabel = "Notes"
    help = "Display name of the node"
    includeInGraphTooltip = true
    hidden = false
  4. Save the template file and reload the project.
  5. Test the template -- see "Using a Markdown FIeld" below.

Using a Markdown FIeld

The rendered markdown is only visible in "View" mode. In "Edit" mode you only see the raw string. We currently do not support WYSIWYG in the editor.

  1. Open a Node or Edge field with a markdown field.
  2. Click "Edit" to edit the Node or Edge.
  3. Add markdown text, e.g. add **bold** to the field.
  4. NOTE the input field displays the string value, not the rendered markdown HTML.
  5. Click "Save" and the markdown will be rendered.

Insert Image URL Dialog

To make it easier to insert an image, we added a "Insert Image URL" dialog. To use it:

  1. Open a Node or Edge field with a markdown field.
  2. Click "Edit" to edit the Node or Edge.
  3. NOTE any field that supports markdown will have a "Insert Image URL..." button visible.
  4. Click in the text field and type any text you want to add. e.g. This is an image..
  5. Insert the cursor where you want the image to be inserted. e.g. between an and image.
  6. Click the "Insert Image URL..." button -- A dialog window will display.
  7. Paste the image URL into the "Paste Image URL:" input field. (You can of course open a new browser window and select a image address to copy).
  8. Upon pasting the URL, if the URL is valid, the image will be displayed. If you see a broken image icon, then either the URL is malformed, or the image URL is not public.
  9. Click "Insert" to add the image to the text -- The dialog will insert a snippet of markdown text for the image, e.g. ![image](
  10. Click "Save" to save the Node or Edge. The image will be displayed as soon as you exit the Edit mode.

NOTE that this is just pure markdown, so be careful while editing the raw text. It's easy to screw up the image markdown.

Additional Features/Fixes

Technical Background

Previously, markdown rendering was done via Joshua's implementation of markdown-react-js and MarkdownNote.jsx. While markdown-react-js was created by the same authors of markdown-it, the repo hasn't been touched in 5 years, so we are deprecating it in favor of the more updated markdown-it.

See markdown-it for more information.

Issues / TO DO

benloh commented 8 months ago

NOTING Decision:

benloh commented 8 months ago

@jdanish two fixes:

benloh commented 8 months ago

@jdanish Also, you can use emojis now.

e.g. try adding Hello from mars :satellite: to a markdown-able field.

jdanish commented 8 months ago

Looks good!!