netdata / ansible

Official Ansible playbook for installing Netdata.
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Example of basic Netdata agent management using Ansible


Tested with Ansible v. 2.12.1; should work with any Ansible version since 2.9

You have to edit the inventory file hosts and, perhaps, ansible.cfg. It is likely that you will also want to edit netdata agent configuration file(s).

Requires jmespath installed on the host system

Tested on

Centos 7, Rocky 8, Oracle Linux 8, Fedora 35

Debian 10, Debian 11, Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 20, Ubuntu22

Playbook components, a short description


Installs Netdata Packagecloud repository whenever possible. Installs Netdata agent latest available version, trying to avoid installation from other repositories. By default, the 'edge' is used. You can change the default in group_vars/all or set it in the command line using external variable:

ansible-playbook -e "distro=stable" netdata-agent.yml

Or you can set in on per host basis, using inventory file or hosts_var/hostname.


Removes both installed repository and the package, making efforts to remove all possible remains like the log or configuration files.


Claims the agent against Netdata Cloud


Playbooks behavior is parameterized to some extent. You may add or change the global settings in group_vars/all file or on per host basis in corresponding files in host_vars/ You might also want to set some parameters in inventory file, of course. Or directly in the command line. Examples:

ansible-playbook --limit=debian10,ubuntu20 netdata-agent.yml

ansible-playbook -u toor --limit=rocky8 -e "distro=edge" purge.yml


You cannot just switch from stable to edge repos (nor visa versa). You have to purge existing installation first.

To do