netguy204 / roku_media_server

A client and server combo for serving mp3s and other local media over your local network to your Roku set-top box.
93 stars 25 forks source link

h1. My Media

h2. Roku DVP Personal Media Server and Channel

A simple media server and a channel designed for the Roku set-top box.

h1(#install). INSTALLATION

"Add the private channel to your Roku":

Start the channel and then visit "the MyMedia registration page": to enter the registration code you were given.

Continue by downloading, installing, starting, and configuring the MyMedia server as detailed by the "installation guide":


h2. License

The server code in this package is to be distributed under the terms of the GPL. The client code is also GPL but with a special attribution exception for the Roku business entity (per their SDK license agreement.)

Some third party code is also included in the web, simplejson, and eyeD3 folders. Each of these are distributed under their author's original license (look in their source to see what they are.)

The folder icon is distributed under the creative commons. All other channel theming artwork is Copyright 2010 umbighouse. Channel artwork is free for non-commercial use. Contact the original author if you would like to use the art under different terms.

h2. Security Warning

The way the server works allows external devices (like your Roku) to access files in specific directories on your computer without authenticating. Definitely don't run this unless your local network is somehow isolated from the internet at large -- ie, you're behind a router.

In other words: If your IP address isn't something like 192. ? . ? . ? or 10 . ? . ? . ? -- you're running the risk of exposing data on your computer to people who don't have your consent.

Bottom line: I think I've done a reasonable job of making this secure for isolated home network use but I make no promises and imply no warranty.

h2. Disclaimer

I don't think it will happen but following these instructions could break your computer or your Roku. Don't hold me responsible if they do. If this breaks something for you, I'm sorry, and if you ask nice I may try to help you. No promises, no warranty, good luck. (No one, to my knowledge, has damaged their computer or Roku by using this software so far.)

h1. Troubleshooting

h2. For more help

There's an active and growing community of users eager to help you. Drop by the forum "": or shoot me an email and hopefully we can work through whatever ails you.

h1. Epilogue

This is a work in progress. I welcome feedback from your experiences. Let's make this readme file much better.

With contributions from


all testers - Thank you for installing this code and providing feedback and suggestions. You make building this fun!


hammerpocket - mac PIL install guide

hoffmcs - server side improvements

renojim - massive contributions to the functionality of the channel

onecaribou - testing. contributing the DNS323 NAS installation guide.

umbighouse - helping debug the windows client and providing excellent beta testing feedback. Windows installation tips and scripts. Channel icon and theming.

witmar ( - high contrast theme

Initial development by: Brian Taylor ( Copyright 2010
