netj / dotfiles

netj's dotfiles
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netj's dotfiles


Run the following command and press y for the files you want to install:

bash <(; curl -fsSL $u || wget -nv -O- $u)

It clones the git repo to ~/.dotfiles, installs chosen dotfiles as symlinks pointing inside the repo, then runs a new login shell. Existing dotfiles will be backed up with names ending with ~. Make sure you have Git and curl or Wget on your system. When run on a Debian-based OS in the cloud, such as AWS EC2, Git will be automatically installed and other essential packages related to the dotfiles will be suggested for installation.

Trying out

If you want to simply explore what my dotfiles do, setting a temporary path for HOME does the job:

HOME=/tmp/home  bash <(; curl -fsSL $u || wget -nv -O- $u)


