netliferesearch / starter-gulp

Common gulp tasks for Netlife Research starters
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Netlife gulp starter

Common gulptasks with interface for overriding tasks and configs in starter packs.


First install the gulp starter by adding netliferesearch/starter-gulp to your package.json file, or by simply issuing the following command in the terminal when standing in your projects root folder

npm i starter-gulp --save-dev

If npm ends by telling you something like the line shown below, you need to add gulp as a dev dependency in your project.

npm WARN starter-gulp@1.0.0 requires a peer of gulp@^3.9.0 but none was installed.

Configuring gulp

Now, all that is left in order for the gulp tasks to work in your project is connecting gulp with the starter gulp tasks. Create a gulpfile.js in your root dir that looks something like this:

'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp');
var starterGulp = require('starter-gulp');

starterGulp.extendConfig({ /* config overrides */ });
starterGulp.extendTasks(gulp, { /* gulp task overrides */ });

Now, you should be able to run gulp in your project.

Customizing the gulp setup

Extending the gulp

If you want to override the default gulp config, you pass an object to the extendConfig function in the example below. This config is merged into the default config and will override the override properties with the same name in the default config.

Adding or overriding gulp tasks

In most projects you'll probably need to tweak the gulp tasks a bit, and this is done by passing an object containing the tasks that you want to override. An example of a task that logs foo to the console and requires the task bar to be run before it runs can be passed to the extendTasks function like this:

starterGulp.extendTasks(gulp, {
    // The key is the name of the task
    foo: [
        ['bar'], // List of dependencies
        function() { // Task function like a usual gulp task

If you're adding multiple tasks, you will of course want to split it into separate files:

starterGulp.extendTasks(gulp, {
    bar: [require('path/to/bar')] // bar task with no deps
    foo: [['bar'], require('path/to/foo')] // foo task with dependency on bar

Accessing the config

The configuration file is exposed, and is accessable through the config property on the starter-gulp object, like this:

var config = require('starter-gulp').config;

Interacting with browserSync

If you want to get hold of the browserSync instance in order to trigger reloading or doing other (fun) stuff, you can access it as the browserSync property on the starter-gulp object, and use it in your task like this:

var browserSync = require('starter-gulp').browserSync;'./some/random/folder').on('change', browserSync.reload);