netobserv / multi-cloud-research

Research the area of multi-cloud network observability
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 3 forks source link

Research the area of multi-cloud network observability

Requirements -

  1. Go version >= 1.18 Needs to be installed manually
  2. Kubectl -> Needed to be installed manually
  3. jq -> Needs to be installed manually
  4. Kind -> Is setup by the script
  5. Skupper -> Is setup by the script
  6. Submariner -> Is setup by the script

use make all-in-one-skupper to deploy skupper environment

use make all-in-one-skupper-gui to deploy skupper environment with GUI revisions to show connection of clusters

use make all-in-one-mbg to deploy mbg environment

use make all-in-one-mbg-gui to deploy mbg environment with GUI revisions to show connection of clusters

use make all-in-one-submariner to deploy submariner environment