netresearch / mediawiki-libravatar

Provides a <libravatar email=""/> tag for MediaWiki which displays the avatar image for a given email address, using the Libravatar service.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Libravatar MediaWiki extension

Provides a <libravatar email=""/> tag for MediaWiki which displays the avatar image for a given email address, using the Libravatar service. It is federated and falls back to Gravatar if no Libravatar is found.

See the Homepage and source code.


Simple avatar::

Avatar with special size::

Image title::

Verbose notation and default avatar:: MediaWiki user's email address:: Supported attributes ==================== ``email`` Email address to show avatar of. Required (if no user is given) ``user`` MediaWiki user name of an existing MediaWiki user having an attached email address. ``size`` Size in pixels (avatars are quadratic) ``default`` Default icon type when no avatar has been found. Options: 404, mm, identicon, monsterid, wavatar, retro ``algorithm`` Email hashing algorithm. md5 or sha256 ``alt`` "alt" attribute value for the image tag ``title`` "title" attribute value for the image tag ``style`` "style" attribute value for the image tag ``class`` "class" attribute value for the image tag Global configuration variables ============================== - ``$wgLibravatarSize`` - ``$wgLibravatarDefault`` - ``$wgLibravatarAlgorithm`` Installation ============ Phar ---- Copy the ``mediawiki-libravatar-0.2.0.phar`` file into your MediaWiki ``extensions/`` directory and add the following to your ``LocalSettings.php``:: require_once "$IP/extensions/mediawiki-libravatar-0.2.0.phar"; That's it, it works now. All dependencies are included in the ``.phar`` file. If you get a white page, then you're `probably running Suhosin`__. __ Normal installation ------------------- 1. Run $ pear install Services_Libravatar-alpha 2. Copy this extension's ``Libravatar.php``, ``Libravatar.body.php`` and ``Libravatar.i18n.php`` into the directory ``$mediawiki/extensions/Libravatar/`` 3. Edit ``LocalSettings.php``:: require_once "$IP/extensions/Libravatar/Libravatar.php"; Dependencies ============ Requires the `Services_Libravatar`__ package from PEAR. __ Author ====== Christian Weiske, Philipp Spitzer,