netresearch / timetracker

Simple time tracking front end with optional Jira synchronization, AD/LDAP integration and XLSX export.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
21 stars 27 forks source link
extjs php timetracker

.. header:: .. image:: doc/netresearch.jpg :height: 25px :align: left

======================= Netresearch TimeTracker

Project and customer based time tracking for company employees.



.. sectnum::

.. contents:: Table of Contents


Add worklog entry

Click the button Add Entry. Or use the keyboard shortcut a.

Edit worklog entry

Just click inside any field of any existing worklog entry.

Delete worklog entry

Rightclick on an worklog entry and select Delete from context menu. Or use keyboard shortcut d to delete focused worklog entry.


Worklog entry with focus has a yellow background. Move the focus with keyboard up and down keys.

User roles

DEV (Developer) is allowed to track times, do bulk entries (if presets where created) and view bar charts in the Interpretation tab

CTL (Controller) Includes the role DEV and is additionally able export data to csv in the Controlling tab

PL (Project leader) Includes the role CTL and is additionally able manage customers, projects, user, teams, presets, ticket systems and activities in Administration tab

Installation and set up


Setup - manual from from sources

. Fetch a local copy::

$ git clone

. Create a MySQL database and import sql/full.sql into it

. Install dependencies::

$ composer install

It will ask you for some configuration options.

If you want to adjust that later, edit app/config/parameters.yml

Also copy app/config/sentry.yml.dist to app/config/sentry.yml, and fill the dsn key if necessary.

. Make cache and log directory writable::

$ chmod -R og+w app/cache/ app/logs/

. For Apache, copy web/.htaccess_dev to web/.htaccess.

For nginx, symlink web/app_dev.php or web/app.php to web/index.php.

. Create a virtual host web server entry

pointing to /path/to/timetracker/web/

. Open the timetracker URL in your browser. If you see a white page, run::

$ php app/console assets:install

. Import test data so that you have a set of data to work and play with::

$ mysql timetracker < sql/testdata.sql

Change the username of user 1 to your LDAP username.

. Login with your LDAP credentials

Setup - with prebuilt docker images

. Create an empty folder

. Put the provided docker-composer.yml from this git repo in it

. Put the provided nginx configuration file from this repo into the above created folder

. Put the provided app/config/parameters.yml.dist from this repo as parameters.yml into the above created folder, and sentry.yml.dist as sentry.yml.

. Check and adapt the copied confoguration files to your needs

. Run docker-compose up -d

Trusted proxies

To work behind a proxy Symfony needs to know which proxies are allowed to trust.

There are two ENV variables which can be set to modify the proxy behavior of the app:

TRUSTED_PROXY_LIST The variable expects a valid JSON encoded list of IPs or IP ranges::


TRUSTED_PROXY_ALL The variable expects a boolean 1/0 to indicate if the application should handle each address in $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] as a trusted proxy::



Using OAuth to transmit work logs to Jira ticket system

. Configure your Jira ticket system

. Example for Jira 7

. Create a ticket system in TimeTracker

. Assign this ticket system to at least one project

. Start time tracking to this project

Automatically create TimeTracker user on valid LDAP authentication

Per default every TimeTracker user has to be created manually. While setting ldap_create_user in app/config/parameters.yml to true new users of type DEV are going to be created automatically on a valid LDAP authentication. The type can be changed afterwards via the users panel in the administration tab or directly in the database.

Track time for external ticket systems to internal ticket system

Sometimes you not only want to track the times for the tickets from your ticket system. Assuming that you have a client providing an own ticket system, but you want to track the times for work on this tickets into your ticket system.


This feature tries to solve that problem.

. Create a project in Jira where the external times should be applied to

. Create a Jira project the Timetracker user has access to

. Ensure that the project provides the issue type task

. Let's assume it is named Customer Project with the key INTERNAL

. Create the client's ticket system in TimeTracker

. Go to Administration > Ticket-Sytem and create a new one:

    e.g. ``Customer ticket system``

    ``Jira`` or ``Other`` or what you like

    The type does not effect this feature in any way

    e.g. ````

    This is used to generate links in the work log description


    This disables any contact to external ticket system

. Save the entry

. Create the external project in TimeTracker

. Go to Administration > Projects and create a new one:

    set to e.g. ``Customer Project``

    Select the above created ``Customer ticket system``

    Enter the prefix of your customers project tickets e.g. ``EXTERNAL`` if the tickets are in the form


  "Internal Jira project key":
    select ``INTERNAL``

  "Internal Jira ticket system":
    select your internal ticket system

If everything is correct, the following will happen:


JIRA cloud integration

.. image:: doc/images/jira-cloud-1.png :alt: Jira cloud: Button "Zeiten aus Timetracker laden"

.. image:: doc/images/jira-cloud-2.png :alt: Jira cloud displaying times

It is possible to show the timetracker times in Jira cloud, even when not syncing the times into such an instance.

To get it working, install the Greasemonkey browser extension__ and import the scripts/timeSummaryForJira script.

Then visit a ticket detail page of a cloud-hosted Jira instance. The right sidebar will show a "Zeiten aus Timetracker laden" button. When it has been clicked, the statistics are fetched from the Timetracker API and displayed there.


API documentation

The timetracker API is documented in web/api.yml (OpenAPI v3).

Developer References