SCIONLab is a global research network to test the SCION next-generation internet architecture. Users can join the SCION network with their own computation resources and can set up and run their own autonomous systems (ASes).
This repository contains the central website that orchestrates the configuration of ASes in the SCIONLab network. The website creates a configuration tar-ball for all the SCION services, including keys, certificates and all other options and settings, for each host in the SCIONLab network.
The website has two parts:
Steps to start up the django webserver for development and local testing.
# Make a venv for scionlab
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# NOTE: on debian/ubuntu python venv requires:
# apt install python3-venv
# and because it's apparently botched, update pip etc. in the venv:
# pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
# Install Python requirements (Django, libraries, etc.)
pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt -r dev-requirements.txt
# NOTE: Some packages may fail to build. To ensure a complete dev setup is ready, in ubuntu you would run:
# apt install gcc libpq-dev libpython3-dev libffi-dev
# on your machine; install and try again.
To render the topology graph, graphviz
needs to be installed additionally to the python dependencies. On ubuntu:
apt install graphviz
If this is missing, the topology graph will fail to render (with a 500 error code).
The commands below assume an environment as installed above.
Initialise development sqlite-DB with some an admin, a testuser and some ASes. The usernames and passwords for the test users can be found in scionlab/fixtures/
Start the django development server:
python runserver
There are two requirements-files for pip; requirements.txt
contains the
requirements for the production environment and dev-requirements.txt
the additional requirements for a development environment (style-checker,
testing infrastructure etc).
We use pip-tools to manage the requirements.
The *.txt
files are generated from the corresponding *.in
file. To generate/update requirements files, run
pip-compile --generate-hashes --output-file=requirements.txt
pip-compile --generate-hashes --output-file=dev-requirements.txt
These commands are also recorded in the preamble of the *.txt
./ test --parallel
A set of more complex integration tests that will actually run the generated configuration for multiple SCION ASes uses the CircleCI infrastructure.
There exists an internal GitLab repository containing the configuration for the pipeline deploying SCIONLab coordinator into running environment. GitHub webhook against this repo will triger deployment every time when there are changes in the master
In order to have a fully functional installation the internal configuration is needed. It contains some internal secret keys and configurations for accessing the SCIONLab infrastructure machines. More detailed informations can be found directly in its repository.