netspeakgames / UnrealAgonesSDK

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# Project adopted as official Agones Unreal SDK

We are delighted that this project has been adopted as the official Agones Unreal SDK from version 1.8.0.

For more information, downloading and contributing to the project please see:

Please visit the official version for the lastest updates and to download.

Agones Unreal SDK

Agones is a multilayer dedicated game server scaling and orchestration platform that can run anywhere Kubernetes can run.

This is a SDK inspired by the REST API to the Agones sidecars that allows engineers to talk to the sidecar from either C++ or Blueprints.

Getting Started

The Agones Unreal SDK can either be used from C++ or from Blueprints.

Getting the Code

Easiest way to get this code is to clone the repository and drop the entire plugin folder into your own Plugins folder. This runs the plugin as a Project plugin rather than an engine plugin.

We could however turn this into a marketplace plugin that can be retrived from the marketplace directly into the UE4 editor.

Health Calls

Using C++

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) UAgonesComponent* AgonesSDK;

- Initialize component in GameMode
#include "AgonesComponent.h"
#include "Classes.h"

    AgonesSDK = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAgonesComponent>(TEXT("AgonesSDK"));

Using Blueprints

SDK Functionality

Additional methods have been added for ease of use (both of which are enabled by default):

Both of the above are automatically kicked off in the BeginPlay of the component.

This Agones SDK wraps the REST API and supports the following actions:




Current the only missing functionality is the WatchGameServer functionality. We welcome collaborators to help implement this, if people need it before we get around to implementing it ourselves.

Unreal Hooks

Within the Unreal GameMode and GameSession exist a number of useful existing funtions that can be used to fit in with making calls out to Agones.

A few examples are:

Alternative Implementations

There is an existing Agones Unreal SDK within the Agones GitHub repository.

We made the decision to move away from this due to: