networkteam / zebra

A fully editable frontend setup for Neos CMS with Next.js
MIT License
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neoscms nextjs react

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A package for Next.js to use Neos CMS as a headless CMS with full visual editing.

NPM version



How does it work?

This package is used inside a Next.js project that fetches content from Neos CMS for rendering and offers editing with full preview capabilities. It provides components and helpers to handle the loading and rendering of nodes. It adds the necessary editing metadata for the Neos UI to work as in a traditional Neos setup.

Inside Neos CMS a few supporting packages are used to provide the content via an API for Next.js and adjust the behavior of the Neos UI:


Note: this readme focuses on using Zebra with the Next.js app router, as it is a more flexible approach for data-loading and supports React server components.

Further reading

See the demo project for a working example:

And here's a list of articles with more background:


Environment variables

Rendering content

Zebra provides a NodeRenderer component to render a node from Neos. You provide a mapping from node types to React components via initNodeTypes which should be imported in your root layout. It is good practice to split components in presentational (no knowledge about Neos) and content components (adds Zebra components and helpers for editing capabilities on top of presentational components).

Note: as React server components do not support useContext, we explicitly pass the ctx object to all components that need to access content.


Define node type mappings (lib/config/nodeTypes.ts):

import { initNodeTypes } from '@networkteam/zebra/server';

import DocumentPage from '../components/document/Page';
import ContentHeadline from '../components/content/Headline';

  // Documents
  'MyProject.Site:Document.Page': DocumentPage,

  // Content
  'Neos.NodeTypes:Headline': ContentHeadline,

Create a dynamic route with optional catch-all (app/[[...slug]]/page.tsx):

import { loadDocumentPropsCached, NodeRenderer } from '@networkteam/zebra/server';
import { DataLoaderOptions } from '@networkteam/zebra/types';
import { Metadata } from 'next';
import { notFound, redirect, permanentRedirect } from 'next/navigation';

const dataLoaderOptionsFor = (routePath: string): DataLoaderOptions => ({
  cache: 'force-cache',
  next: {
    tags: ['document'],

// This is for generating metadata
export async function generateMetadata({
}: {
  params: {
    slug: string[];
}): Promise<Metadata> {
  const routePath = params.slug && Array.isArray(params.slug) ? params.slug.join('/') : '/';
  const neosData = await loadDocumentPropsCached(routePath, dataLoaderOptionsFor(routePath));
  if (!neosData) {
    return {};

  const { node, site, meta } = neosData;
  const title = meta?.isRootPage ? : `${} ā€“ ${}`;
  return {

// And this will render the page output
const Page = async ({ params: { slug } }: { params: { slug: string[] } }) => {
  const routePath = slug && Array.isArray(slug) ? slug.join('/') : '/';
  const dataLoaderOptions = dataLoaderOptionsFor(routePath);
  const neosData = await loadDocumentPropsCached(routePath, dataLoaderOptions);

  if (!neosData) {
    return notFound();

  // Check for possible redirects
  if ('redirect' in neosData) {
    if (neosData.redirect.statusCode === 308 || neosData.redirect.statusCode === 301) {

  if (neosData?.node.nodeType === 'Neos.Neos:Shortcut') {
    return redirect( || '/');

  return (
    // Render the node data with NodeRenderer which uses the node type mappings
        currentNodeIdentifier: neosData.node.identifier,
        documentNodeIdentifier: neosData.node.identifier,

export default Page;

Add a component for a basic document page (lib/components/document/Page.tsx):

import { ContextProps } from '@networkteam/zebra';
import { ContentCollection } from '@networkteam/zebra/server';

import Header from './partials/Header';

const DocumentPage = ({ ctx }: { ctx: ContextProps }) => {
  const { mainNavigation } = await withMeta(ctx);
  const inBackend = ctx.inBackend;

  return (
    <div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col">

      <main className="flex grow flex-col justify-between">
        <ContentCollection className="grow" nodeName="main" ctx={ctx} />

export default DocumentPage;

Add a presentational component for a headline:

import classNames from 'classnames';

type HeadlineProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  as?: 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';
  size?: 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';
  className?: string;

const Headline = ({ children, as: Component = 'h1', size, className }: HeadlineProps) => {
  return (
          'text-6xl': size === 'h1',
          'text-5xl': size === 'h2',
          'text-4xl': size === 'h3',
          'text-3xl': size === 'h4',
          'text-2xl': size === 'h5',
          'text-xl': size === 'h6',

export default Headline;

Add a content component for a headline:

import { ContextProps } from '@networkteam/zebra';
import { ContentComponent, Editable, withNode } from '@networkteam/zebra/server';

import { baseClasses } from '@/lib/utils/baseClasses';

import Headline from '../ui/Headline';

const ContentHeadline = async ({ ctx }: { ctx: ContextProps }) => {
  const node = await withNode(ctx);

  return (
    <ContentComponent ctx={ctx} className={baseClasses(node)}>
      <Headline as={} size={}>
        <Editable ctx={ctx} property="title" />

export default ContentHeadline;

Document rendering

This is how the public view of the Next.js site is generated from content in Neos. Your Next.js project defines a [dynamic route with an optional catch-all segment]( that will render the page for a document node in Neos CMS. The route is defined in `app/[[...slug]]/page.tsx`. Next.js will fetch the node data for a document node from Neos via the Content API in `loadDocumentPropsCached`. You can implement custom processing based on the loaded data, e.g. to fetch additional data, handle shortcuts and redirects or to handle errors. Using the `NodeRenderer` a new `ctx` prop is passed with information about the current document / node identifier and route path as well as the data loader options for subsequent requests. This will be passed on to all React server components render content. The identifier will be changed while iterating over individual nodes (e.g. content collections). This data is the input for rendering the page, so the response of the Content API needs to contain needed information like menu items, shared content in e.g. a footer and the content of the page itself. With React server components you could also fetch additional data in the component itself. Next.js takes care of deduplicating identical fetch requests, so each component in the render tree can fetch data independently without causing additional requests. For this to work, the Neos base URL has to be known to Next.js via the `NEOS_BASE_URL` environment variable.

Content editing in Neos UI

This is how we the the Next.js frontend is used inside the Neos UI content module with full preview and editing capabilities. Now it get's a little trickier: You always access Neos CMS via your Next.js site by appending `/neos`, as usual. The `withZebra` config helper adds the necessary rewrites to the Next.js configuration in `next.config.js` to make this work. Next.js serves a custom `/neos/preview` route that is used to render the preview of a document node in the user workspace. It forwards your Neos session cookie to the Neos backend and fetches the content via the Content API - now with access to the user workspace and more metadata for use in Neos UI. By using the Zebra components and helpers for rendering, all the metadata for the Neos UI is added to the page. Inline editing should just work. All other requests to `/neos/*` (except `/neos/previewNode`) are proxied to the Neos backend.

Caching and revalidation

This is how on-demand revalidation is used if content changes are published in Neos. Content can be cached by specifying the data loader options in `loadPreviewDocumentProps`: ```typescript const dataLoaderOptionsFor = (routePath: string): DataLoaderOptions => ({ cache: 'force-cache', next: { tags: ['document'], }, }); const neosData = await loadDocumentPropsCached(routePath, dataLoaderOptions); ``` It requires the [Networkteam.Neos.Next]( package in Neos. It hooks into the publishing signals, collects changed nodes and their closest document nodes and triggers a revalidation of the routes via a Next.js route handler (defaults to `/api/revalidate`). A revalidate token is used to prevent unauthorized revalidation requests. Note: For this to work, the Next.js base URL has to be known inside Neos. Since content often depends on other documents (e.g. document titles in navigation, teaser cards, etc.), it is advised to implement a _full revalidation_ after every change. With the app router, this will only mark routes as invalidated and they will be freshly rendered on the next request. Note: This approach works reasonably well and solves a lot of complexity with dependencies and figuring out an _exact_ set of document to revalidate.

Preview of a single node (out of band rendering)

A special case for previewing the content of a single node for inserting and updating content in Neos UI. We use the Next.js frontend again for previewing the content of a single node. To override the default behavior which uses Fusion inside a controller in Neos, the [Networkteam.Neos.Next]( package provides a Fusion prototype that renders the content of a node via the Next.js frontend. A single Fusion path is used by Zebra in the metadata for all nodes to use this special preview implementation. For this to work, the Next.js base URL has to be known inside Neos.


Have a look at the Zebra Demo for a full setup of developing a Next.js project alongside Neos CMS in a monorepo.

Basically it boils down to:


Deploying a site where content comes from Neos CMS and the actual frontend is generated in Next.js is a little bit more involved, since both systems work together when generating content or using the backend.

There are multiple things to consider:

Multi-site caveats

Pages router

Please have a look at to see previous instructions for using the pages router.


We are happy to accept contributions. Just open an issue or pull request.

Releasing a new version

Pre-release To create a pre-release you can push / merge changes to branch `next`. This triggers actions to automatically create a pre-release. Use `@next` as version in your project `package.json` to use the current pre-release.
Tagged release 1. Merge your branch / changes into `main` branch 2. Bump version in `package.json` with `npm version [ | major | minor | patch` 3. Push bumped version including new tag to `main` branch with `git push --follow-tags` 4. Create a new release with release notes from newly created tag on github 5. The new release will trigger GitHub Actions that will publish to NPM

šŸ™ Appreciation

Special thanks to Philip Schmidt (@esdete2) for initiating and pushing the full-editing approach and implementing the first Zebra project in his spare-time.
