neuralyzer / dokuwiki-plugin-revealjs

Reval.js plugin for dokuwiki
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DokuWiki plugin Reveal.js

Reval.js plugin for DokuWiki

This started as a fork of Andreas Gohr's S5 plugin

It uses Reveal.js


Paste the address git config in the manual installation field or use Dokuwiki's extension manager.


Add ~~REVEAL~~ to a page to insert a button for presentation start. In the past this was optional - now it is mandatory, because the plugin logic depends on the information, if reveal is used on the page or not. And the keyword ~~REVEAL~~ on the top of the page is used to indicate this.

Every new H1 or H2 section, that is 6 equal signs or 5 equal signs open per default a new slide horizontally. New H3 sections (4 equal signs) are appended vertically if they follow after an H2 section.

Check also the source code of the example presentation

Include plugin compatibility

Edit in the file dokuwiki/lib/plugin/include/syntax/wrap.php in the function render the line

if ($mode == 'xhtml') {


if ( ($mode == 'xhtml') && (! is_a($renderer, 'renderer_plugin_revealjs')) ) {

The include plugin will otherwise put some

<div class= "plugin_include_content ..." ...> ...</div>

at such places that the closing and opening div tags interfere with the reveal.js section tags.

MathJax compatibility

At the moment this plugin loads MathJax from the MathJax CDN directly whether the Dokuwiki MathJax plugin is installed or not. It ignores Dokuwiki's MathJax plugin and the custom settings you might have made.

Configuration options

Configuration is done in DokuWiki's configuration manager.

Reveal.js configuration

Available themes

Available themes are the Reveal.js themes. Possible values:

The default is white.


Show the reveal.js controls. Two values

The default is false.

Progress bar

Show the reveal.js progress bar. Two values

The default is false.

Build all lists

Whether to build up all lists point by point. Two values

The default is false.


The slide transition. Possible settings:

The default is fade.

Horizontal slide level

Headers on this level or above starting a horizontal slide. Levels below starting a vertical (nested) slide - no effect on slides, which are indicated by alternative slide indicators (----> and ---->>). Possible settings:

The default is 2.

Enlarge vertical slide headers

Enlarge headers on slides below horizontal_slide_level - no effect on slides, which are indicated by alternative slide indicators (----> and ---->>). Boolean:

The default is false.

Image borders

Show image borders (default in Reveal.js). Boolean:

The default is false.


Base size of the slides in pixels - slides will bee zoomed to fit in the available space

Auto Slide

Automatically move the presentation to the next slide in milliseconds. If this is set to 0, automatic progression is disabled.

The default is 0.


Loop the presentation back to the first slide after the last slide. Boolean:

The default is false.

Supported dokuwiki syntax

Apart of the ordinary things like headlines, tables, italic, bold etc. the following syntax elements are supported:

Extra syntax

Theme selection and button for presentation start

Putting on the top of the page a


will insert at this position a button. A click on this button then starts the presentation with the default theme.

Alternatively, to select a theme put a

~~REVEAL theme_name~~

with theme_name replaced by one of the reveal.js themes as listed under "Available themes".

All other options are also overwritable in a wiki page by using the URL query parameter syntax:

~~REVEAL theme=sky&transition=convex&controls=1&show_progress_bar=1&build_all_lists=1&show_image_borders=0&horizontal_slide_level=2&enlarge_vertical_slide_headers=0&show_slide_details=1&open_in_new_window=1&auto_slide=6000&loop=1~~

Please note that boolean values must be numeric (1 or 0). If you want to be able to change the options directly in the URL after the presentation has started, then you have to disable DokuWiki's caching by putting ~~NOCACHE~~ at the top of the page.

Slide background

The plugin introduces the syntax


For all possible parameters see alternative slide indicator below.

The so defined background will be applied to the next slide. I.e. the background tag has to preceed the heading opening the next slide and will only apply to that slide. For example

===== my heading=====

slide with background

===== my second heading=====

slide without background

produces one slide with background and a second slide without background.

Alternative slide indicators

---- salmon wiki:dokuwiki-128.png 10% repeat bg-slide no-footer ---->

This slide has no content, but therefore a fancy background...



Sometimes you might want to have a footer for all the pages. This footer might contain your company's logo or similar things. Footers are most conveniently added using in addition the dokuwiki plugin "wrap". To get a footer on each page put at the very beginning of your document, i.e. before the first heading but possibly after a ~~NOCACHE~~ or ~~REVEAL~~ the following block

<wrap footer>Footer content here.</wrap>

This inserts a footer on every single page. If you want the footer to disappear for a specific page place before that page's heading a {{no-footer}}. For example

===== my heading=====

slide without footer

===== my heading=====

Slide without footer and with background

{{background>:images:image1.png no-footer}}
===== my heading=====

no-footer as option in background definition

---- no-footer ---->

Slide with alternative slide indicator


Next slide with footer and stop alternative
slide indicator mode


Speaker notes


- your content
- here



<fragment>Hit the next arrow...</fragment>

<fragment>... to step through ...</fragment>

<fragment>... a</fragment> <fragment>fragmented</fragment> <fragment>slide.</fragment>

PDF export

Presentations can be exported as PDF. To do so append a &print-pdf to the URL. When you are able to edit the page, there is a export PDF link rendered under the start slideshow button.

For example if the URL of your DokuWiki reveal.js presentation is usually

you would have to change this manually in the address bar of your browser to

After that the presentation looks weird in the browser but can be printed via you browser's print function. Officially only Chromium and Chrome are supported for PDF export. Check also the Reveal.js PDF export documentation.