neurolabusc / surf-ice

GLSL surface rendering source code. Compiled versions available from NITRC. Loads 3DS, CTM, DXF, FreeSurfer, GII (GIfTI), GTS, LWO2, MS3D, MZ3, NV (BrainNetViewer), OBJ, OFF, PLY, STL, VTK. Tractography formats include BFloat, PDB, TCK, TRK, and VTK. Also NIfTI format voxelwise images.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
106 stars 23 forks source link

Tracktion #15

Closed dwiesen closed 4 years ago

dwiesen commented 5 years ago

Any idea how to use the tracktion script ?

Thanks a lot.

Cheers, Daniel

neurolabusc commented 5 years ago

Tracktion is a stand-alone terminal application, not a script. The nii_preprocess repository includes compled copies for MacOS (tracktionOSX) and Linux (tracktionLX). I am happy to compile a Windows executable if you want it. The nit_preprocess.m file provides a Matlab wrapper script for applying Traction to the results of bedpost. We use this to visualize the quality of the fiber tracking (see below for the result of traction visualized with Surfice).

Tracktion by Chris Rorden version 14Feb2017
Usage: tracktion [options] basename
 Requires dtifit V1 FA images (basename_V1.nii.gz, basename_FA.nii.gz)
 -a maximum angle bend (degrees, default 45)
 -h show help
 -l minimum length (mm, default 12)
 -o output name (.bfloat, .bfloat.gz or .vtk; default "inputName.vtk")
 -s simplification tolerance (mm, default 0.2)
 -t threshold (FA for dtifit, probability for bedpost) (default 0.15)
 -w waypoint name (up to 8; default: none)
 -x bedpost exponent (0=sample p1/p2 equally, 2=strongly prefer p1, default 0.5)
 -1 smooth (0=no, 1=yes, default 1)
 -2 stepsize (voxels, voxels 0.5)
 -3 minimum steps (voxels, default 1)
 -4 redundant fiber removal threshold (mm, default 0)
 -5 seeds per voxel (default 1)
 tracktion -t 0.2 -o "~/out/fibers.vtk" "~/img_V1.nii.gz"
 tracktion -w BA44.nii -w BA44.nii "~/img_V1.nii"
 tracktion dyads1.nii.gz"


dwiesen commented 5 years ago

The compiled Linux version is perfectly fine. Thanks for the link to the repository.

Cheers, Daniel