neurolanche / Neurolanche-Ambassador-Program

Neurolanche X Labs Ambassador Program
MIT License
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Apply to become a Neurolanche Ambassador via this link:

1 - Ambassador Rules and Guidelines

1.1 - Familiarize Yourself with Neurolanche's Tone and Voice: As an ambassador and moderator, you are the voice of Neurolanche, and as such, it is imperative to embody the brand, voice, culture, and tone of Neurolanche. You serve as an extension of the team and must represent our core values. These documents will be provided for your review.

1.2 - Familiarize Yourself with Server Rules: Before undertaking any moderating activities, thoroughly understand the Neurolanche server rules and guidelines.

1.3 - Be Objective and Impartial: Treat all members equally, regardless of their status or history.

1.4 - Act Professionally: Maintain a respectful and professional demeanor at all times when dealing with members.

1.5 - Enforce Rules Consistently: Apply rules consistently and fairly, without bias or favoritism.

1.6 - Prioritize Safety: Make the safety and well-being of members the top priority.

1.7 - Avoid Conflicts of Interest: Refrain from moderating discussions involving friends, family, or personal connections to maintain objectivity.

1.8 - Communicate Clearly: When taking action, clearly explain the reason behind it to the member.

1.9 - Warn Before Punishing: Give members a warning or an opportunity to correct their behavior before resorting to punitive actions.

1.10 - Use Private Messaging for Discussions: Address issues privately through DMs or private channels when possible.

1.11 - Document Incidents: Maintain records of rule violations, actions taken, and member interactions for future reference.

1.12 - Collaborate with Fellow Moderators: Work closely with other moderators to ensure consistency in enforcement and discuss complex cases.

1.13 - Respect Privacy: Do not share or discuss private information about members.

1.14 - Encourage Positive Behavior: Promote a friendly and welcoming atmosphere by engaging in positive interactions.

1.15 - Report Serious Violations: Report any serious violations or illegal activities to server administrators or platform authorities.

1.16 - Stay Informed: Stay updated on Discord's policies and guidelines to ensure you're enforcing the rules correctly.

1.17 - Monitor Chat and Content: Keep an eye on text, images, videos, and links shared to ensure they comply with server rules.

1.18 - Use Appropriate Punishments: Choose suitable sanctions such as warnings, mutes, kicks, or bans depending on the severity of the violation.

1.19 - Offer Appeals Process: Allow members to appeal moderative actions if they feel unfairly treated. We will provide an appeal process for you to follow.

1.20 - Be Active and Responsive: Regularly monitor the server and respond promptly to rule violations and member inquiries.

1.21 - Lead by Example: Set a positive example for other members by adhering to the rules and guidelines yourself.

1.22 - Seek Feedback: Encourage feedback from the community to improve moderation practices.

Keep in mind that specific rules and guidelines may vary based on the server's unique culture and objectives. Always be adaptable and willing to learn while striving to create a safe and enjoyable Discord community.

2 - How to Become a Neurolanche Ambassador

Ambassadors and Head Ambassador have their unique set of requirements, responsibilities, rewards, and selection processes. This blog will specifically focus on the requirements, roles, responsibilities, and rewards for individuals interested in becoming an Ambassador.

2.1 - What's the Role of a Neurolanche Ambassador? As a Neurolanche Ambassador, you will serve as the initial point of contact for those new to the Neurolanche community. Whether through social media engagement or entry-level advocacy, your actions will pave the way for future Neurolanche enthusiasts.

2.2 - What Are My Responsibilities? All Neurolanche Ambassador share these core responsibilities:

  1. Be a spokesperson for Neurolanche
  2. Nurture your understanding of Neurolanche as it evolves
  3. Create and/or suggest ideas, feedback, or opportunities for the team/community
  4. Interact, engage, and educate the growing Neurolanche community

2.3 - How Am I Rewarded for Becoming an Ambassador? By becoming a Neurolanche Ambassador, you will enjoy:

  1. Access to Ambassador Discord/TG channels
  2. Discord Role
  3. The ability to add "Neurolanche Ambassador" or "Neurolanche Head Ambassador" to your social media profiles
  4. Access to perks exclusive to Ambassadors
  5. Monthly revenue in $NEROX.
  6. Whitelist and advance information on all our future projects.

2.4 - What Do I Need to Do to Get In? To qualify, demonstrate your understanding of Neurolanche:

  1. Understanding Neurolanche and its ecosystem
  2. Familiarizing yourself with Neurolanche projects
  3. Grasping the knowledge about the Neurolanche ecosystem
  4. Sharing updates
  5. Joining Neurolanche's Discord, Telegram, Twitter

2.5 - How Do I Apply? Here’s some important information:

3 - Welcome to the Neurolanche Ambassador Program

Neurolanche Ambassador Program


The Neurolanche Ambassador program is your gateway to becoming an integral part of the Neurolanche project, all while earning rewards for contributing to the mission of building our ecosystem. Neurolanche Ambassadors are dynamic community leaders who embody the ethos of creating and disseminating our concepts, making them accessible to everyone.

The Neurolanche Ambassador Program is structured into two tiers: Head Ambassadors and Ambassador. Each tier has its specific requirements, responsibilities, rewards, and selection processes. While it is not mandatory to become an Ambassador to be an Head Ambassador, it is highly encouraged for a smoother transition. Details on the Ambassador Selection process are provided below.

Neurolanche Ambassadors are integral members of our community team, driven by passion and rewarded for contributing to marketing, community engagement, and content creation. As ambassadors, you play a crucial role in connecting Neurolanche with communities globally, fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment.


  1. Solid understanding of Neurolanche's vision, products, and latest developments.
  2. Active participation in our community with a grasp of its culture.
  3. Experience in marketing, community management, or content creation.
  4. Proficient in English at an advanced or native level.
  5. Demonstrated passion, patience, proactivity, supportiveness, quick learning, and strong communication skills.


  1. Grow and nurture our community.
  2. Stay updated on Neurolanche's latest news and events.
  3. Co-create a fun, supportive, and collaborative environment within the ambassador team.
  4. Passion for educating the Web3 community about Neurolanche's ecosystem.
  5. Play a key role in our marketing, community management, and content creation efforts.


  1. Monthly rewards – Earn $NEROX for completing specific tasks.
  2. Result-based bonuses – Receive additional rewards for surpassing monthly targets.
  3. Promotional rewards – $NEROX aidrops and other benefits eventually
  4. Networking opportunities – Collaborate with Neurolanche’s core team, attend local events, and participate in conferences sponsored by the team.
  5. Mentorship & guidance – Refine your skills and gain real-world experience in Web3.
  6. Recognition & influence – Build a reputation and potentially pave the way for a future career.
  7. Exclusive access – Be the first to know about Neurolanche’s official releases and upcoming product features.


  1. We value early supporters of the program.
  2. Your area of expertise is highly regarded.
  3. Your experience with community management is crucial.
  4. Commitment to the program is essential.
  5. The impact of your existing and future contributions to the ecosystem is valued.
  6. Transparency in the nature of your work and contributions is appreciated.
  7. Ability to work collaboratively with other candidates, ambassadors, and community members is essential.
  8. Efforts in growing an active community that supports Neurolanche’s success are highly valued.
  9. Your referrer and future referrals are considered.

General Responsibilities Ambassadors play a pivotal role in the growth of the Neurolanche ecosystem, focusing on community building and ecosystem expansion in its initial phase. Future iterations of the Ambassador Program will broaden the scope to include contributions across various domains.

All Neurolanche Ambassadors share these core responsibilities:

  1. Be a spokesperson for Neurolanche
  2. Nurture understanding of Neurolanche's evolving ecosystem
  3. Generate ideas, feedback, or opportunities for the team/community
  4. Interact, engage, and educate the growing Neurolanche community

Role-Specific Responsibilities Based on whether you apply as an Ambassador or Head Ambassador, you'll have additional role-specific responsibilities:

Neurolanche Ambassador Program Roles and Objectives:

6.1 Neurolanche Ambassador:

    • Function: Community Engagement
      • Foster engagement and interaction within the Neurolanche community.
      • Welcome new members and assist them in navigating the ecosystem.
      • Encourage discussions and share updates on various platforms.
      • Objective: Community Growth
      • Increase the number of community members.
      • Actively participate in recruitment initiatives.
    • Function: Content Creation
      • Generate and share content related to Neurolanche on social media platforms.
    • Contribute to the creation of educational materials and tutorials.
      • Share personal experiences and testimonials about the Neurolanche ecosystem.
      • Objective: Awareness and Education
      • Enhance the visibility of Neurolanche through informative content.
      • Educate the community about Neurolanche's projects and goals.
    • Function: Leadership and Coordination

      • Provide guidance and support to Ambassadors within the program.
      • Coordinate community initiatives and projects.
      • Act as a liaison between the Neurolanche team and Ambassadors.
      • Objective: Program Effectiveness
      • Ensure smooth operation and coordination within the Ambassador program.
      • Enhance the impact of the Ambassador team on community growth.

      6.2 Neurolanche Head Ambassador:

The Neurolanche Head Ambassador at the highest level serves as the linchpin connecting the Ambassador Program with the broader goals, strategies, and identity of Neurolanche. Their multifaceted role encompasses leadership, coordination, business development, and integration within the overall Neurolanche team.

    • Function: Strategy Development
      • Contribute to the development of strategic plans for community expansion.
      • Initiate and lead special projects to boost Neurolanche's presence.
      • Collaborate with the Neurolanche team to align community efforts with overall project goals.
    • Objective: Community Empowerment
      • Empower Ambassadors with resources and support for effective community building.
      • Implement strategies to elevate the Neurolanche community globally.
    • Function: Program Oversight
      • Oversee the entire Neurolanche Ambassador Program.
      • Develop and implement advanced strategies for sustained community growth.
      • Represent the Ambassador Program in high-level discussions with the Neurolanche leadership.
    • Objective: Program Excellence
      • Ensure the Ambassador Program achieves its maximum potential.
      • Elevate the Neurolanche community to new heights of influence and engagement.
    • Function: Coordination and Leadership
      • Coordinate and lead the activities of Neurolanche Ambassadors at all levels.
      • Provide mentorship and guidance to foster individual and collective growth.
      • Facilitate regular team meetings to share insights, updates, and strategies.
      • Function: Business Development (BizDev)
      • Identify and cultivate partnerships with external entities beneficial to Neurolanche.
      • Explore collaboration opportunities, especially with blockchain and tech-related projects.
      • Contribute to the overall business strategy by providing valuable market insights.
    • Function: Integral Team Member
      • Act as an integral part of the broader Neurolanche team.
      • Collaborate closely with development, marketing, and leadership teams.
      • Represent the Ambassador team in strategic planning and decision-making processes.

    5.1. - Objective: Program Excellence

    • Ensure the Neurolanche Ambassador Program operates seamlessly and efficiently.
    • Foster a collaborative and inclusive environment among Ambassadors.
    • Elevate the program's effectiveness in contributing to the overall success of Neurolanche.

    5.2. - Objective: Community Empowerment

    • Empower Ambassadors with resources, training, and strategic support.
    • Foster a culture of continuous learning and development within the Ambassador team.
    • Implement initiatives that enhance the overall impact of the Ambassador Program on the Neurolanche community.

5.3. - Objective: Strategic Business Growth

5.4. - Objective: Team Integration and Collaboration

4 - Tasks:

For this specific moment, with the upcoming launch in the next 2 months of important parts of our products like Firolauss and the token of our ecosystem $NEROX, we will need a task force from our ambassadors.

Create Original Weekly Contents About Neurolanche:

Ambassadors are expected to produce a minimum of three original pieces of content per week on their official profiles. This can include articles, posts, videos, or any other creative content related to Neurolanche.

Participate in Biweekly Ambassador Meetings:

Ambassadors are required to actively participate in biweekly ambassador meetings. These meetings will serve as a platform to discuss strategies, updates, and address any questions or concerns from the ambassador community.

Engage and Moderate Neurolanche Community Channels:

Ambassadors will be responsible for actively engaging with the Neurolanche community on various channels, such as Discord, Telegram, or other community platforms. This includes moderating discussions, answering queries, and fostering a positive community environment.

Organize Local Meetups or Virtual Events:

Encourage ambassadors to organize local meetups or virtual events to connect with the Neurolanche community in their respective regions. This could be in the form of webinars, Q&A sessions, or casual gatherings to enhance community bonding.

Feedback Loop:

Ambassadors should establish a feedback loop between the community and the Neurolanche team. Gathering insights, suggestions, and concerns from the community and presenting them during ambassador meetings for constructive discussions. Educational Initiatives:

Educational Initiatives:

Create and share educational content about Neurolanche, including tutorials, guides, and explanations about the ecosystem's features. This will contribute to better understanding and awareness among community members.

Bug Reporting and Improvement Suggestions:

Encourage ambassadors to actively participate in testing and report any bugs or issues they encounter. Additionally, gather suggestions for improvements from the community and share them with the development team.

Business Development Outreach:

Ambassadors can actively contribute to the business development aspect by reaching out to potential partners, influencers, and collaborators. Establishing meaningful connections with other projects, communities, and industry leaders can open up opportunities for partnerships and collaborations that benefit Neurolanche.

Identifying Integration Opportunities:

Keep an eye on potential integration opportunities with other blockchain projects, gaming platforms, or emerging technologies. Identifying areas where Neurolanche can integrate or collaborate seamlessly can enhance its ecosystem and bring in new user bases.

4.1 - Ambassador Task Validation Process:

On a monthly basis, ambassadors will be required to submit a comprehensive report through the Neurolanche Github platform. In these reports, ambassadors will compile a detailed account of their activities and contributions to the Neurolanche community, showcasing their efforts in promoting and expanding the project. The Neurolanche Core Team will conduct a thorough analysis of these reports, evaluating the impact, creativity, and consistency of the ambassadors' work. Based on this assessment, monthly rewards will be allocated to ambassadors, creating a performance-based incentive structure that encourages sustained commitment and meaningful contributions.

4.2 - Reward Structure and Budget Allocation:

6.3. Reward Structure and Budget Allocation:

Reward system:

Head Ambassador


How does the ambassador program work?

  1. Tasks:

    • Both mandatory and supplementary tasks are available.
    • ALL mandatory tasks must be completed monthly.
    • Supplementary tasks are optional but encouraged.
    • A maximum of 3 different supplementary tasks can be completed, per month.
  2. Points:

  1. Rewards:

    • You need to achieve at least 40% of the total points (40/100) to quality to receive rewards.
    • If you achieve 100%, you will get the full rewards. If you achieve only 50%, you will get half of the full rewards.
    • If there is surplus rewards in a particular month, it will be distributed equally to those who achieved ≥90%.
    • If there is surplus rewards and no one achieves ≥90%, it will be carried forward to the next month.
    • The reward pool comes from the Neurolanche treasury. The reward pool may change depending on how much it is getting.
  2. Ambassador hierarchy:

    • Our structure: Ambassador and Head Ambassador
    • All successful applicants to our ambassador programme will begin as either an Ambassador or a Head ambassador.
    • Your starting position will depend on how well your application meets our criteria: skillsets, experience, knowledge of Neurolanche
  3. Scores:

    • Participation is MANDATORY. Failure to achieve at least 40% points for a period of 3 consecutive months will result in the termination of your ambassadorship.


ID Description Required Quantity KPI Max Points
AM Neurolanche's regionalized content management in your native language. Translation and/or replication of content posted on the main account @neurolanche. 8+ per month Reach & engagement 15
SM Promote Neurolanche across relevant social media platforms. At least 3 original contents about Neurolanche in in our main account 6 per month Reach & engagement 25
CM Community: nurture, support and manage your local and our global Neurolanche community. The goals of this tasks are to engage, monitor and retain users whilst cocreating a culture that best serves Neurolanche's vision, brand, and community. Daily Quality & consistency 15
WM Participate in Ambassador Meetings. Bi-Weekly Consistency 15

Supplementary Task (Choose up to 2 tasks/month)

ID Description Required Quantity KPI Max Points
EC Create and share educational content about Neurolanche, including tutorials, guides, and explanations about the ecosystem's features. 5 per month Speed & effectiveness 10
CC The Content Creator: Write an article (at least 800 words) per week, translate an article (that is over 1k words) per week or make a maximum 10 minutes length of video about Neurolanche per week. Content has to be ORIGINAL. 4 per month Quality & Reach 10
EM The Event Manager: Organize an online/physical meetup/AMA with your local community. Plan ahead and please reach out to us if you need financial support. It is best to record the meetup session. 1 per month Quality & Engagement 15
BD The Business Developer and dApp staker attractor: Reach out to projects to build on Neurolanche. You have to be able to pitch about Neurolanche before handing over the project to Leo or Defiguy. And attract new people/whales to our dApp staking V3 ith proof of your referral your influence 1 per month Quality & Success 20
ART The Artist: This can be infographic, animated logo, sticker packs, music, movie, NFT etc. The creativity is your limit. Bonus will be given for outstanding work which will be accepted for official use. 1 per month Quality 10

For any other types of contribution that is not listed above, please reach out to the team.

Please submit your contribution by creating an issue on this repository latest by the 5th day of the following month. Any late submission will not be accepted.

Report Format Example

Title: June 2023 Contribution - {your #discord ID}

1. Personal info:

- Amb rank: X
- Telegram Username: Y
- Twitter URL: X
- Astar Wallet Address: Y

2. Taks:

· AM:
- List all completed tasks.
- [add statistics here]

· SM:
- List all completed tasks.
- [add statistics here]

· CM:
- List all completed tasks.
- [add statistics here]

· WM:
- List all completed tasks.
- [add statistics here]

3. Supplementary tasks:

· EC:
- List completed task/s.
- Explain your contribution e.g. What educational content did you create?
- Explain the importance/value of completing this specific task.

· EM:
- List completed task/s.
- Explain your contribution e.g.what the event did you create. 
- Explain the importance/value of completing this specific task.

4. Suggested scores: 

- [Task 1 ] X/40
- [Task 2] X/40

- [Supplementary task 1] X/10
- [Supplementary task 2] X/10

- Overall suggested score: X/100.

- Has your performance improved or deteriorated from last month? Why? How?
- Justify why you have suggested these scores.