Vespucci is an R package to prioritize spatial regions involved in the response to an experimental perturbation in spatial transcriptomics.
The initution behind Vespucci is from a previously validated concept (; namely, cell types undergoing the strongest transcriptional response to a given experimental perturbation are those for which perturbed cells can readily be separated from unperturbed cells by a machine-learning classifier, and that the accuracy (defined as Area-under-the-curve score; AUC) with which of this separation can be used as a quantitative measure of perturbation intensity.
Vespucci extends this conceptual framework to spatial transcriptomics and identifies spatial regions of a comparative spatial transcriptomics dataset that are undergoing a transcriptional response to a perturbation. Briefly, Vespucci assigns each spatial barcode with an AUC score, measuring the transcriptomic separability of the barcode against k-nearest neighbours of contrasting experimental condition. This generates a spatial map of AUC of the coordiante system of spatial transcriptomics, thus allowing the identification of regions that are most perturbed by the experiment.
To mitigate the high computational cost of running a series of classification trials on every spatial barcode, Vespucci utilizes a meta-learning method where it estimates AUC scores using distance metrics between barcodes.
Extending this, Vespucci also identifies differentially expressed (DE) genes or Gene Ontology (GO) terms that corresponds to the spatial AUC by fitting the feature values into a negative binomial generalized mixed model or generalized linear mixed model.
Vespucci relies on functions from the following R packages:
Augur (>= 1.0.3),
dplyr (>= 0.8.0),
purrr (>= 0.3.2),
tibble (>= 2.1.3),
magrittr (>= 1.5),
tester (>= 0.1.7),
Matrix (>= 1.2-14),
sparseMatrixStats (>= 0.1.0),
recipes (>= 0.1.4),
rsample (>= 0.0.4),
yardstick (>= 0.0.3),
pbmcapply (>= 1.5.0),
lmtest (>= 0.9-37),
randomForest (>= 4.6-14),
tidyselect (>= 0.2.5),
rlang (>= 0.4.0),
tidyr (>= 1.1.2),
RANN (>= 2.6.1),
dismay (>= 0.0.1),
nebula (>= 1.4.1),
Rdpack (>= 0.7),
Seurat (>= 4.1.3)
Vespucci has been tested with R version 4.2.3.
To install Vespucci, first install the devtools package, if it is not already installed:
> install.packages("devtools")
Then, install Vespucci from GitHub:
> devtools::install_github("neurorestore/Vespucci")
This should take no more than a few minutes.
To run Vespucci, use the run_vespucci
function which takes as input a preprocessed features-by-cells (e.g., genes-by-cells) matrix, and a data frame containing metadata associated with each cell, minimally including the spatial coordinates, experimental labels, biological replicates and barcodes.
This means that in order to use Vespucci, you should have pre-processed your data (e.g., by read alignment and batch-effect removal) across all experimental labels.
Furthermore, Vespucci requires the spatial transcriptomics dataset to be registered onto the a common coordinate framework. This can be done via various spatial registration pacakages, for example RNiftyReg
To run Vespucci with default parameters on a genes-by-cells scRNA-seq matrix input
, and an accompanying data frame meta
, with x
, y
, label
, replicate
and barcode
columns (the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, the experimental label, biological replicate and barcode respectively), use the run_vespucci
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(input, meta)
If your columns have different names, you can specify these using the coord_cols
, label_col
, replicate_col
, and barcode_col
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(
coord_cols = c('x-coord', 'y-coord'),
label_col = 'condition',
replicate_col = 'new_replicate',
barcode_col = 'new_barcode'
Vespucci can also be run on 3D coordinates by specifying the 3D coordinates.
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(input, meta, coord_cols = c('x', 'y', 'z'))
In the event that you have generated the distance metrics data frame prior to running run_vespucci
, you can specify it as an argument to avoid re-calculating the distance metrics (which takes roughly 6-7 hours for 10,000 barcodes).
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(input, meta, distance_metrics_df = precalculated_distance_metrics_df)
Vespucci returns a list of two elements, spatial_auc_result
and de_feature_result
, outputs from the calculate_spatial_auc
and de_feature_result
functions respectively.
> spatial_auc_res = vespucci_res$spatial_auc_result
> de_feature_res = vespucci_res$de_feature_result
Spatial barcode prioritization values are stored in the spatial_auc_res$aucs
data frame - for example:
> head(spatial_auc_res$aucs)
barcode auc
1 barcode_1 0.5016050
2 barcode_2 0.5137284
3 barcode_3 0.5382223
4 barcode_4 0.4832105
5 barcode_5 0.8231267
6 barcode_6 0.9109776
... ...
Differentially expressed (DE) features (genes/GO terms) that corresponds to these prioritization mapping can be obtained from de_feature_result
> head(de_feature_res)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
feature effect_size p_val p_val_adj
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Gene5747 1.24 0.000000136 0.00248
2 Gene8610 1.25 0.00000206 0.0188
3 Gene19683 1.13 0.00000997 0.0458
4 Gene19490 1.24 0.0000101 0.0458
5 Gene21281 1.77 0.0000196 0.0607
6 Gene21662 1.39 0.0000200 0.0607
... ...
By default, run_vespucci
find DE genes. To find DE GO terms, parse a list of vectors of genes for Gene Ontology; each entry should be a vector of feature names as the argument go_list
> custom_go_list = list('GO_1' = c('Gene1', 'Gene2'), 'GO_2' = c('Gene3', 'Gene4'))
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(input, meta, go_list = custom_go_list)
To see Vespucci in action, load the simulated Seurat dataset that is bundled with the Vespucci package:
> data("spatial_sim")
This dataset consists of 2000 cells with 2 experimental labels, 6 biological replicates, x-y coordinates (in the label
, replicate
, x
, and y
columns of the metadata). Furthermore, the metadata also has the column true_label
which denotes if that specific barcode is Perturbed
or Control
that is manipulated by the simulation conditions. If you plot the x-y coordinates by the true_label
, you should see a horizontal stripe in the middle showing the true perturbation pattern.
First, extract the expression and metadata.
> input = GetAssayData(spatial_sim, slot='counts')
> meta =
Now, we can run Vespucci with the following command,
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(input = input, meta = meta)
Note, this will take roughly 6 hours to run everything from scratch.
To speed up the process for this simulated dataset, we have generated the distance_metrics_df
and calculated_auc_df
from a run of this simulated dataset. To test this, run the following lines.
> data('spatial_sim_distance_metrics_df')
> vespucci_res = run_vespucci(
input = input,
meta = meta,
distance_metrics_df = spatial_sim_distance_metrics_df,
test_sim = T # this only works for the spatial_sim dataset
Finally, we can check the results.
> spatial_auc_res = vespucci_res$spatial_auc_result
> de_feature_res = vespucci_res$de_feature_result
> head(spatial_auc_res$aucs)
barcode auc
1 barcode_1 0.5016050
2 barcode_2 0.5137284
3 barcode_3 0.5382223
4 barcode_4 0.4832105
5 barcode_5 0.8231267
6 barcode_6 0.9109776
> head(de_feature_res)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
feature effect_size p_val p_val_adj
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Gene5747 1.24 0.000000136 0.00248
2 Gene8610 1.25 0.00000206 0.0188
3 Gene19683 1.13 0.00000997 0.0458
4 Gene19490 1.24 0.0000101 0.0458
5 Gene21281 1.77 0.0000196 0.0607
6 Gene21662 1.39 0.0000200 0.0607