Code of study on the relationship between 1/f and periodic brain dynamics (alpha-band oscillations).
The modularized code that is used here and there. No need to install, assuming that you run your python interpreter from the root directory.
In a script, simply
import library as lib
from library.stats import compute_corr
The actual scripts to achieve defined steps. Don't cd here,
call run scripts/
from the root directory.
Please follow the following convention:
For computing stuff do: run_{step}_{aspect}_{subaspect}_{subsubaspect}.py
For plotting stuff do:
For bash shell / config stuff do: make_{whatever}.py
The file has it. The variables and parameters, but also a command line parser.
playground, room for trying things
command line programs, mostly for parallelization
Here you have the data, as symbolic links. Please do it yourself.
in data/subject
you should have a link to the freesurfer dynacomp directory
in data/MEG
you should have a link to the MEG dynacomp directory
The provenance tracking routines from The meeg_preprocessing package will save the labled output script-wise here. Will not be commited. It's local. Don't commit results, ok?
You will need the following: